Saturday, August 30, 2008

May God Bless Those In The Path of Gustav

I just want to let all of those in the path of this storm know that we are praying for all of you. I know how frightening it is to sit through one of those dangerous storms. LaJuanah and I had left a few days before we even knew that a storm was heading towards Louisiana. We are in Tennessee and wish we could bring all of you up here with us as we are keeping Bunni and Ken's children while they are gone. We pray safety and protection for all of you. My children and grandchildren are still in the Hammond area and I am praying God's protection over them. All of those that may read this that are not in the storm area please keep them in your prayers before and after the storm. Most of the time the aftermath of the storm is the hardest. Thank you all for your prayers.

Monday, August 25, 2008


This blog is unlike others that I have attempted. I have just sat down here and gone to writing, that may have been a mistake. But since very few, I believe, will read this, it doesn't make much difference. My last blog on David might have caused some to think I was a little out of kilter. Since the writing I have had some few questions about the blog. Perhaps it was a little fuzzy. There seems to be some question as to what I was saying. I truly appreciate your comments and questions. Socrates would give you a big round of applause.
I often think as I write, about an article I recently read wherein the author mentioned a church advertising for a preacher. The church gave the prerequisites for a would be preacher for that church. The qualifications were simply that they wanted a preacher who did not know Greek nor had been to the Holy Land. The writer of the article surmised that that church had had too many Greek word studies thrown at them and too many slide presentations on the Holy Land. I cannot imagine any church sending out such a classified ad. But that may be evidence of the fact that inspirational thinkers are supplanting other approaches and maybe some other approaches to writing are getting outmoded. So I promise from now on I will try to be "in kilter" and not too outmoded and make as much sense as is possible for me.
Next blog I hope to get back to the story of David and the reasons I believe he was hiding in the cave by himself.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

PSALMS 142:4


"Look on my right hand and see, For there is no one who acknowledges me; Refuge has failed me; No one cares for my soul."

It is likely that David made this statement in one of the caves of En-gedi while hiding from Saul who was trying to kill him.

The great commentator, Matthew Henry, said this statement was made by David due to the "...coldness and indifference of his friends..." Henry also said that the "...Psalmist here tells us for our instruction how he was disowned..." "When he was in favor he seemed to have great interest but when he was made an outlaw it was dangerous for anyone to habour him." So Henry concludes "...shallow friends are gone when winter comes..."

It is extremely educational to look at the circumstances that brought David to such a low ebb in his life, and to the point of making such a statement about his circumstances. The Biblical story of this has many stories within the story that bring David to this predicament. And there are so many real life applications. And I believe Matthew Henry was right when he wrote this this is "...for our instruction..."

There are some very fair weather peoople who desert their friends. But of course ultimately they will make no signficant difference in the life of the child of God.

There is a true friend who "...has overcome the world..."(Jn. 16:33) He is the one that really counts and He is the one who is lasting and will never fail. And He is the one who truly cares.(I Pet. 5:7)

He calls us brothers.(Mt. 12:50) He has proven His true friendship. "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for His friends."(Jn. 15:13) He is "...a friend Who sticks closer than a brother." (Pro. 18:24)

He told His early disciples "You will be and friends...they will put some of you to death."(Lk. 21:16) Then He made a very comforting statement to them: "But not a hair of your head will be lost."(Lk. 21:18)

Therefore David knew when all seemed to be lost where to turn. He said "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You knew my path..."(Ps. 142:3)

While we were in Israel we walked up the valley of En-gedi to the waterfall at the top. On either side of the valley the canyon walls had numerous caves. I could imagine David being in one of those caves by himself. But man of God that he was he knew God was with him.

Ps. 142:5 "I cry to you, O Lord; I say, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Singing One Thing and Meaning Another

The picture above is that of the garden tomb. How many songs have been written reflecting the fact that our Savior was resurrected here. Robert Lowery wrote "Up from the grave He arose...And He lives forever with His saints to reign..."
Recently I was thinking of some of the songs we sing while I thumbed through some old song books. And it hit me that songs are simply poems or writings put to music. Those poems were written by somebody. So I gave some thought to the authors of all those beautiful poems that men have sung for decades and decades.
It is so obvious that when Paul said that we should be "...singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."(Col. 3:16) and "..singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."(Eph. 5:19) that he was not referring specifically to the poems God's children sing today. Whatever the words of the songs of the early church they were not the poems we sing.
Which church today does not sing "Amazing Grace?" All churches and fellowships sing the same songs today. Perhaps there are different collectors and publishers but in fact fellowships of different persuasions sing the same songs. And since they do, you would think they might have better opinions of one another. But not so among some. Perhaps many sing one thing and mean another.
When I was a youth I thought all the old songs we sang in the little church I attended were exclusively ours. Needless to say I was wrong. We all sing the same songs. And the paradox is the negative viewpoint that some who sing the same songs as others have of those others.
If that lacks good sense then think of the authors of the poems we sing. What was their background? And how many times have we sung their songs and then someone got up and taught just the opposite of the meaning of the poem we just sang.
There is something confusing and inconsistent about that.
God prompted Amos to say to Israel..."...take away from me the noise of your songs..."(Amos 5:21-24) And Isaiah by inspiration wrote to Judah: "...even though you make prayers, I will not hear..."(Isa. 1:15) Why would God make such statements to His people? As one reads further in the writings of Amos and Isaiah one discovers the clear reason for those statements. Justice and righteousness were not a part of those folks' religious resume. They were oppressive and their hands were full of the blood of others.
Several hundred years later Jesus had something to say to the descendents of those folks and His message was much the same. Jesus told them " have neglected the weightier matters of the law..."(Mt. 23:23) In their processing of their beliefs and their rules and their systems they had forgotten people. They were carefully meticulous about tithing. They gave of their farms...But they were soo very careful that they even tithed of the herb patches and their mint, anise, cummin. Their rules meant more than people. Jesus from time to time pointed that out to them and for that He got crucified.
Sometimes I think we do that. We sing men's poetry, we carefully apply each word to ourselves, and we never think about others. So in some perfectly right circles we don't even allow the poet the "Amazing Grace" he wrote about.
I have sung songs out of church song books for over a half a century. I have mouthed the writings of other folks and have not given them a chance to have the blessings they wrote about and for that I am deeply sorry. I have assumed blessings by reading their inspirational messages and completely overlooked their right to rightness themselves. And that is the height of Pharisaism.
Did I ever have an inkling of an idea of the soul needs of those writers? Did I fathom the fact that they, many of them, wrote out of deep felt needs and problems they may have faced daily in their lives and were reaching out to God because of their need for Him? Or did I just get a good feeling about myself when I sang their songs? Shame-facedly I look down because the vast majority of the time I did just that and never thought of them.
Think for a moment of the songs we sing. They are songs about the love of God, grace, forgiveness, redemption, eternity, salvation, heaven. Every fellowship in Christendom sings of these subjects. And they use the very same songs to do it. And how intellectually flawed is it to sing and have a skewed spiritual viewpoint of men who sincerely seek God, including the authors of our songs?
Have I ever sung the following songs by the following authors and thought less of them than I do myself?

Fanny Crosby wrote numerous poems that are in our books.
"A Wonderful Savior"
"When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise to meet Him in clouds of the sky. His perfect salvation, His wonderful love, I'll shout with the millions on high"
"To God Be The Glory"
"O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, to every believer the promise of God."
"All The Way My Savior Leads Me"
"Can I doubt His tender mercy who through life has been my guide?"
"Blessed Assurance"
"Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood"
"Praise Him. Praise Him."
"Jesus our blessed redeemer"
Who would deny Fanny Crosby to shout with the millions on high, perfect redemption, His tender mercy, being born in His blood, safety in the arms of Jesus and have the audacity to continue to sing her poems? If so we should quit using her poems.
Another well known author is Francis Havergal. This author penned such writings as:
"Take My Life And Let It Be"
"Lord I give my life to thee, Thine forevermore to be."
"I Gave My Life For Thee"
"My precious blood I shed, that thou might'st ransomed be, and quickened from the dead."
"It It For Me"
"I'll be with thee forever and never grieve thee more"
Who would attempt to sing these songs and take away the blessings of resurrection and eternity from Francis Havergal?
Charles Wesley wrote various poems.
"Christ The Lord is Risen Today"
"Once He died our souls to save, where's the victory boasting grave??"
"Come Thou Almighty King"
"Hence evermore thy sov'reign majesty may we in glory see"
"Soldiers of Christ Arise"
"You may o'ercome thru Christ alone"
Would anyone sing his songs and take away his victory in Jesus Christ?
There are so many others.
Albert Brumley wrote: "Jesus Hold My Hand"
"Keep me that I may be wholly thine, and sing redemptions song some day"
Virgil Stamps; wrote: "I'll Be Listening"
"When the Savior calls I will answer"
Martin Luther wrote: "A Mighty Fortress"
"And tho this world with evil filled, Should threaten to undo us; We will not fear, for God hath willed his truth to triumph thru us."
Isaac Watts penned; "Alas And Did My Savior Bleed"
"At the cross..." "...It was there by faith I received my sight..." "...the burden of my heart rolled away..."
John Newton wrote "Amazing Grace"
"how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."
Henry Lyte scribed: "Abide With Me"
"I need thy presence every passing day: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?"
T.O. Chisholm wrote: "Be With Me Lord"
"...when loneliness o'ertakes me when I must weep amid the fires of pain, And when shall come the hour of my departure For worlds unknown, O Lord, be with me then."
J.M. McCaleb wrote: "The Gospel Is For All"
"Where sin has gone must go His grace the gospel is for all."
Tillit S. Teddlie offered: "Earth Holds No Treasures"
"Heaven holds all to me"
Hugh Stowell wrote"From Every Stormy Wind"
"There, there on eagle's wings we soar, And sin and sense seem all no more, And heav'n come down our souls to greet, And glory crown the mercy seat."
William Cowper wrote: "God Moves In A Mysterious Way"
"Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy and shall break, In blessings on your head."
Charles Moody wrote: "Kneel At The Cross"
"...Christ will meet you there, he intercedes for you"
C.H. Morris wrote: "Nearer, Still Nearer"
"...while life shall last, till safe in glory my anchor is cast Thru enless ages ever to be nearer, My Savior, still nearer to Thee..."
William Gaither wrote: "A Hill Called Mount Calvary"
"...He changed me completely, a new life is mine"
Charles Pollock wrote: "Above The Bright Blue"
"...Jesus is waiting for me and for you..."
Samuel Stone wrote: "The Church's One Foundation"
Alfred Tennyson wrote: "Crossing The Bar"
"I hope to see my Pilot face to face..."
W. R. Featherston wrote: "My Jesus I Love Thee"
"...I know thou art mine" "...I'll ever adore thee in heaven so bright..."
I have seen song books with over a thousand songs. All or most would be in all song books everywhere. All the authors speak of an eternity with God, being made alive in Christ, victory over death, seeing God's glory, overcoming through Christ, the call of God, the ultimate triumph of the Christian, our burdens being removed, salvation from our wretchedness, overcoming the devil through grace, conquering loneliness through Christ, the grace of God, heaven our ultimate place of residence, God's mercy, the blessings of God, the intercession of Christ, meeting God in eternity and worshipping Him throughout eternity. Isn't it interesting that many of the songs that are in songbooks are written in the first person. Those writers really were seeking the blessings they were writing about.
Who am I to attempt to take those blessings away from men while I sing the words they wrote? My suggestion to myself is either give them those rights or find some writers to write lyrics that perfectly fit my viewpoints and quit singing their lyrics...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Beauty Is In The Eyes of The Beholder

Philippians 4:8
Whatever is Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely....
Think On These Things

This is one of many of the beautiful Live Oaks on the grounds of State Capital Building. This tree symbolizes all the things mentioned in the scripture above. As we walked the grounds of this wonderful garden of flowers and trees and statues I was reminded of my high school days. It seems like life was a lot simpler back then. When we watch the news and read the newspaper we are reminded of all the problems in the world. If we are not careful problems can take precedence over and push into the background the great and noble characteristics that children of God should be striving for. So we should all keep our minds on the goal of being Noble, Right, Pure, we serve our heavenly Father.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The picture accompanying this blog is a replica of the City of Jerusalem inside the city. It was here that Jesus in His early ministry was approached by a man whose name was Nicodemus. Jesus expressed to him what we call the Golden Text. John 3:16 says "God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, that everyone who has faith in Him may not die but have eternal life."
Every person who is a child of God cannot totally comprehend such a love as Jesus expressed. The reason for this is because we understand completely our nature. We are all sinners.
When I was a child one of the songs that I loved was O Danny Boy. I remember it touched me deeply. There is a song I heard today on cd by David Phelps which, using the tune of O Danny Boy says it all.
The title of the song is "He Looked Beyond My Fault". I leave with you the words of the song. Let us all glorify God because of His Grace and Love in our lives.

"He Looked Beyond My Fault"

"Amazing Grace shall always be my song of praise

For it was Grace that bought my liberty

I don't know just why He came to love me so

He looked beyond my fault and saw my need

I shall forever lift my eyes to Calvary

I view the Cross where Jesus died for me

How marvelous the Grace that caught my falling soul

He looked beyond my fault and saw my need

If not for Grace my soul would be a drifting ship

with no safe harbor from the angry waves

But Calvary's Cross shines brightly through

the darkest storm

and just in time His Mercy rescues me

I shall forever lift my eyes to Calvary

to view the Cross where Jesus died for me

How marvelous the Grace that caught my falling soul

He looked beyond my fault and saw my need."

So let us sing of our redemption, salvation, sanctification,
forgiveness, that were all bought by the precious blood of the Lamb.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


In research a hypothesis is declared to be "a proposition or supposition as the basis for reasoning or investigation."

Some hypotheses prove to be not genuine nor good and incorrect after reasonable and careful investigation involving known truth. When a hypothesis is faulty it is declared to be a "null hypothesis." Null is to be "without value, content or significance, invalid." So a null hypothesis is a non provable one and one without value.

Jesus was subjected to such faulty "science" at just about every juncture of His blessed life for us here on this earth. His apostles also suffered such treatment as do many today who are trying to follow Jesus. This is due to false judgement and understanding of others. Jesus knowing this gave good advice to those who would hypothesize about others when He said "Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? " (Matt. 7:1-3) Paul followed Jesus lead when he said "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest : for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. "(Rom.2:1)

No where in scripture is false judgement more apparent than the null hypotheses suffered by the Son of God. He was completely misunderstood and misjudged by those of His day. He literally "...came unto His own, and His own received Him not." (John 1:11) John 1:10 says "He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not." What a testimony to a null hypothesis that is. The creator of the universe came down from heaven in the form of a man, dwelt among men and died for their sins yet they rejected Him.

It is a sad commentary that He came to save the very people that rejected Him. He said "For the Son of Man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:56) Yet the very people He came to save didn't and many still don't believe that He could either destroy or save. After all they said "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary..." "...and they were offended at Him." (Mark 6:3)

The people of Jesus day had their hypothesis of the kingdom, yet it was null. He told them the truth about the kingdom of God. He discounted their suppositions. He would not at that time set up a literal kingdom and He would not be a literal king. Jesus told Pilate "My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight ..." (John 18:36) Could He at that time set up an earthly kingdom? You betcha! He told Peter "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He shall presently give Me more than twelve legions of angels? " (Matt. 26:53)

All of their accusations about Him were null.

They accused Him of insurrection. John 19:12 "...Pilate sought to release Him: but the Jews cried out, saying, if thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar." Null hypothesis? Jesus was no reactionary against government. The government was not even an issue with Him. He came to save souls. He did say though "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." (Matt. 22:21)

They hated Him so much that they accused Him of conspiring with devils. They said "He cast out the demons by the ruler of the demons." (Matt. 9:34) They said "This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. " (Matt. 12:24) Bloviaters to the max. They had no proof. They were perfectionists at empty, false claims. If there ever was a null hypothesis this was it. The next step, perhaps they did not know that, was to accuse Him of the unforgivable. For they had placed Him in the position of having fellowship with demons. Jesus simply said to them "...if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself: how then can his kingdom stand? " (Matt. 12:26) "And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges." (Matt. 12:27)

They accused Him of breaking their laws and traditions. And they had many of them. The Sabbath was so sacred that they had numerous laws to protect it that were not in scripture. It is my understanding that they could not even spit on the ground on the Sabbath because the spittle might make a furrow and that could look like work. They said to Jesus "...behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful..." (Matt. 12:2) Null again! He told them "...the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day." (Matt. 12:8) They said of Him "...why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders." (Mark 7:5) He said to them "For laying aside the commandment of God Ye hold the tradition of men..."(Mark 7:8) "...Ye reject the commandment of God, that Ye may keep your own tradition."(Mark 7:9)

They accused Him of fellowship with what they considered undesirables. Null again! Jesus did not look upon any man as being undesirable even the worst of men. "...the scribes and the Pharisees saw Him eat with publicans and sinners..." "...they said unto His disciples, how is it that He eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?" "When Jesus heard it He saith unto them, they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. " (Mark 2:16-17)

Another null hypothesis! They thought they had the ability to destroy Him. "...the Pharisees went out, and held a council against Him, how they might destroy Him." (Matt. 12:14) Jesus simply said of Himself, "...He shall not strive, nor cry: neither shall any man hear His voice in the streets. " (Matt. 12:19) Jesus' death was one that would be total submission by Him, and it was not in any way connected with their ability to kill Him.

In my opinion the ultimate null hypothesis was the accusation that Jesus was a blasphemer. They said of Him "...He hath spoken blasphemy..." (Matt. 26:65) So they killed Him. They thought they were through with Him but not so. I can't tell you the depth of feeling we had when we stood with a group in Israel and looked at Golgotha where they crucified the One they called the blasphemer. Not too far from there is the Garden Tomb. We viewed the tomb and walked into the tomb, and later we partook of the Lord's Supper in the garden. Yes, they crucified Him. But the powerful angel of God was to stand before the tomb and say to those mourning women "Fear not Ye: for I know that Ye seek Jesus, which was crucified." "He is not here: for He is risen as He said." (Matt. 28:5-6)

It is a disheartening thing that some folks will go to just about any degree to defend themselves and their null hypotheses. Therefore, amazingly enough, the scriptures say of the false accusers of Jesus after His resurrection "...they gave large money unto the soldiers, " "saying , say Ye, His disciples came by night, and stole Him away while He slept." (Matt. 28:12-13)

The matter of Jesus being a blasphemer was an outright lie against His nature. He said "I and My Father are one." (John 10:30) "He that hateth Me hateth My Father also." (John 15:23) "Therefore doth My Father love Me, because I lay down My life, that I might take it up again."(John 10:17) Jesus in reality to them was a blasphemer because He was a threat to their selfish causes.

They had nothing against Him. He was not at all like them. He was "...without sin." (Hebrews 4:15) He perfectly accomplished " ...the will of the Father." (John 5:30) He was God in the flesh, incarnate. (John 1: 1-2) And He did all that so that "...all men through Him might believe." (John 1:7)

He would not line up with them so He had a price to pay. "...and therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay Him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day."(Jn. 5:16) "...the Jews sought to kill Him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God."(Jn. 5:18) "The Jews...murmured at Him, because He said, I am the bread which came down from heaven." (Jn. 6:41)

He was a danger to their cause, so they said..."What do we? For this man doeth many miracles?"(Jn. 12:47) "If we let Him thus alone, all men will believe on Him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation."(Jn. 12:48) So their decision about Him was that "One man should die for the people..." " that the whole nation perish not."(Jn. 12:50) That being the case..."...from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death."(Jn. 12:53)

He had done nothing wrong. But he was a danger to them. And be careful who you associate with. Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead and the chief priests knew that. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus. The lengths to which men will go in maintaining themselves! "...the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death."(Jn. 12:10)

There were even some among them that Jesus had influenced with His life. But they just couldn't break the pressure that was upon them. They just could not confess him because they feared those around them and "...they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God."(Jn. 12:43)

Ultimately Jesus had no chance for survival with those folks. They worked their malicious ways and took Him before Pilate. But to their chagrin Pilate said..."...I find no fault in Him no fault at all."(Jn. 18:38)

It is not so easy to deter a lynch mob. What could they do now? They yelled blasphemy! "We have a law, and by our law He ought to die, because He made Himself the Son of God."(Jn. 19:7)

One sure thing about null accusations is that they will not stand the test of the truth. If one is not honest in his or her assessments either of things or people the truth itself and it alone will bring about a null hypothesis. And a continual rejection of truth will only result in a multiplication of null hypotheses.

It was said of those who accused Jesus in Mk. 14:55 "And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put Him to death: and found none."(Mk. 14:55) So there were false witnesses because they always exist but even they could not agree. "For many bare false witness against Him, but their witness agreed not together."(Mk. 14:56)

What do they do now? Simply throw a tantrum. "...then the high priest rent his clothes, and saith, what need we any further witnesses?" "Ye have heard His blasphemy..."(Mk. 14:63-64)"And they condemned Him to be guilty of death."(Mk. 14:64)

So they spit in His beautiful face, they struck Him, they beat Him beyond recognition, they drug Him down a long winding street, they mocked Him, they hung him on a tree, they stapled Him to it, they plunged a spear in His side, they killed Him..and they sacrificed Him in essence to their God of tradition. Why?

He in their minds violated their rules. Interesting is it not how folks will use one another to purport their causes yet not really care about one another. The Jews did not like Jesus. His ideas about the kingdom, their traditions, themselves did not set too well with them. The Romans did not give a hoot about the Jews ideas. Yet the Jews knew what strings to pull to get the attention of the Romans and their selfish causes. And if Jesus caused insurrection among the Jews that would get the attention of Caesar who had his selfish cause of peace in his earthly empire. The whole thing hinged around Jesus being a blasphemer and the Jews knew that so they used it against Jesus.

Paradoxically they freed a thief from a literal prison and on their instrument of torture and death Jesus freed a thief who was being crucifed next to Him from a spiritual prison and escorted him into Paradise.

But all the efforts of the Romans and the Jews were foiled. All the null hypotheses about Him are collecting dust and have through the ages..They are impotent, pointless, unprovable, contentless thoughts of misguided men. He has proved them false. For He " risen..." He has ascended to the Father. And according to God's strong angel..."...this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."(Acts 1:11)

What is going to happen to all the null hypotheses of men in that day. I believe that one day in the fullest sense when He comes He will bring to full fruition the statement of Isaiah..."...the crooked places shall be made straight."(Isa. 4:4)

Jesus, I believe in you. I confess you. I know you are my Savior and the Savior of the world. And I want to be justified by you so I say to you..."...God be merciful to me a sinner..."(Lk. 18:13)

Blogging Back

I left the impression a day or two ago that I was about ready to stop blogging and I was. Since then I have had a few good folks tell me I should not stop and that there was some value in what I was writing.

Writing is indeed an awesome task, even unpublished writings that will be read by others. I would never assume therefore complete knowledge on any subject and the human element of mistakes which we all inherit by being human is unavoidable.

So as I continue blogging I apologize in advance for any mistakes. For those who have encouraged me I would simply say thanks. For those who would use my writings out of an evil, selfish captious motivation I would simply say please don't.

My hope is that through and in all of it truth will prevail and God will be glorified.

So I begin writing again. And I quote from one of the best men I ever knew, a Christian, college professor, and a friend. His writings unlike many others will reach into years to come because of his timeless efforts to teach others.

Here is his quote; "I have experienced the fact, from what little writing I have attempted to do that there are a few....who are highly critical of the efforts that others make in teaching what they believe to be the truth. I am also conscious of the permanency of the printed page as far as changing views when more light on any subject is given to us."

I will be continuing now with my blogs . Thank you for staying with me.

Friday, August 8, 2008


One might question if God truly sees us and knows all. Amazing how this picture from outer space resembles an eye. Just thought this might put into perspective the idea that God DOES SEE ALL and KNOWS ALL. It does not matter whether we believe it or not. HE DOES. Even the Bible tells us that His eye is upon the sparrow and He knows where every sparrow is so how much more does He watch over His children. God loves us so much that He gave His son to die on the Cross so that we might be saved and go to heaven. He wants us to love Him and accept His Son as our Saviour. He wants us to repent when we sin and ask for his forgiveness. When we refuse to admit wrong or ask for forgiveness we are ignoring God and really do not believe what He tells us. One day everything we have said in the darkness or spoken in whispers will be revealed. HE tells us that if we do not repent of OUR sins that HE will reveal them HIMSELF. Food for thought. I think this is God's way of telling us ALL have sinned and fall short...........we all need a maybe we should be focusing on ourselves and repenting to GOD for forgiveness of our own sins . When we separate ourselves from God because of our sins we can only expect heartache and disappointment. It is hard for some to admit that they were wrong and did sin. It may be hard for some of you to be honest with yourself. Have you ever heard the Truth will set you free? Each one of us knows in our own heart the sins we have committed...........and not asked for forgiveness and have not confessed these to our Lord. We can point out all the sins of other people that we think we are sure of but God does not hold us accountable for sins of others. God can see clearly each one of us and what is separating us from Him. So if you are more focused on the sins of another than your own you may want to re-evaluate your own personal life. Once you get things right with Jesus, confessed the sins in your life and truly repented then will you have that Peace that passeth all understanding. When all is said and done we are responsible for all the decisions we make, good or bad. I truly have a peace in my life that I have never had before and it is the Grace of God that has blessed me.

God's Grace is sufficient. Trust Him.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Wayne and Bart with the garden overseer..................
Wayne, Whitney, Ken, Tori, Kenny,Bunni, Brody,
Linda and Bart

LaJuana at the Landing in Branson, Missouri

Wayne at the Landing in Branson, Missouri

LaJuana in Branson, Missouri

LaJuana and Wayne at the play "Noah Musical" in Branson, Missouri

We have just returned from a great visit with LaJuana's brother and his wife, Bart and Linda. While there we also got to visit her daughter's family, Bunni and her husband Ken. Ken is a doctor and he volunteers a week or two every year to go and be the CAMP DOC" while their children are reaping the benefits of the camp. Their oldest daughter, Whitney, has been a camper for about 6 years and a counselor for 3 years. In fact Whitney has spent the complete summer in Kanakuk ministering to the kids at camp. Every year the children go to this Kanakuk Christian Camp that is just outside of Branson. It is an awesome place for all kids to go and get closer to the Lord. We went to their worship service Sunday morning. The kids were in charge of the service and music. I was so touched by the things I saw in these children's lives. Jesus surely was there and making a difference. How wonderful to know that Jesus operates every where, even on the banks of a beautiful river outside under the shade of the trees.

We had some great fellowship with Bart and Linda. Bart and I are old friends from way back when........I mean way back. ha ha It was nice to have time to visit with him and his wife, Linda. I guess we ate better than we have in a long time. I have never seen so many vegetables. It reminded me of when me and my daddy worked in our garden. It was hard work but my dad enjoyed so much being able to harvest the vegetables and give them away. I loved those days of working beside my dad. He was a great man and I truly loved him so and miss him. I wish he were here because I would have so much to share with him. Without a doubt I know he would be so happy for me in my new life. I know I will see him again and we will once again be able to talk and laugh like we used to.

So I will be taking some time off now from this blog. I think it has accomplished for me what it was supposed to. I have emptied out the old person and allowed God to fill me up with a fresh new understanding of HIM and HIS WORD. I can truly say I have never felt as close to the Lord as I do this very day. I may one day do another blog. One filled with hope and love and truth of God's Word. Jesus came to save the world. It is all about JESUS and the CROSS.......and the BLOOD. Thank you Jesus. Thanks to all of you that have supported me in this writing. Most of you knew I needed to work things out and writing is a great way for me to do that. God has truly heard me and healed me. Thank you Jesus................