Paul said that love "...always protects...""...covers...". Zodhiates' comment on this is that love "...hides the faults of others..." and that the word for "protect" means " cover over in silence..."
Isn't it wonderful that God loves us enough to cover our sins?(Ro. 4:7) The scripture says loads to those who advertise and put on exhibition the faults of others rather than to cover, protect, hide their shortcomings. And for such folks it must be a distasteful fact that in the context of love Jesus encourages us: "You...must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect..."(Mt. 5:48)(Amplified)
Isn't it wonderful that God loves us enough to cover our sins?(Ro. 4:7) The scripture says loads to those who advertise and put on exhibition the faults of others rather than to cover, protect, hide their shortcomings. And for such folks it must be a distasteful fact that in the context of love Jesus encourages us: "You...must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect..."(Mt. 5:48)(Amplified)
That type of behavior just simply does not fit the agendas of some religionists. Love is primary according to Jesus. And if Jesus' admonition is taken seriously unity will prevail among Christians.
That type of behavior just simply does not fit the agendas of some religionists. Love is primary according to Jesus. And if Jesus' admonition is taken seriously unity will prevail among Christians.
Thousands of pages of manuscript have been written and published to promote disunity among brothers that would never have been written had Jesus' advise been taken. Recently I was handed an article by some well meaning person who I believe has a sincere interest in my spiritual condition. However, as I read the article it became obvious that the writer was intent on establishing himself right and others wrong on three distinct points. The conclusions seemed to be pointed and right. However, love that is primary, was never mentioned. The writer's intention, it seemed to me, was to scold what he called "liberal brethren." I wondered, as I read, if the author realized that the Christian faith and knowledge according to I Cor. 13:2 and I Cor. 13:13 will take a back seat to love. It is the greatest according to the apostle.
Thousands of pages of manuscript have been written and published to promote disunity among brothers that would never have been written had Jesus' advise been taken. Recently I was handed an article by some well meaning person who I believe has a sincere interest in my spiritual condition. However, as I read the article it became obvious that the writer was intent on establishing himself right and others wrong on three distinct points. The conclusions seemed to be pointed and right. However, love that is primary, was never mentioned. The writer's intention, it seemed to me, was to scold what he called "liberal brethren." I wondered, as I read, if the author realized that the Christian faith and knowledge according to I Cor. 13:2 and I Cor. 13:13 will take a back seat to love. It is the greatest according to the apostle.
Jesus said " neighbor as (you do) yourself."(Mt. 22:39)(Amplified) All men have deficiencies and faults both doctrinal and personal. If those faults are accentuated then unity cannot prevail. What if love came first?
Nobody is perfect in understanding. Comfort might be had in being more perfect than someone else but ultimately, of course, we all are in the same spiritual boat. Our righteousness comes from God. Anything else is as filthy rags.(Isa. 64:6) How does Jesus see us and how we should see one another is the key element of unity.
Jesus said " neighbor as (you do) yourself."(Mt. 22:39)(Amplified) All men have deficiencies and faults both doctrinal and personal. If those faults are accentuated then unity cannot prevail. What if love came first?
Nobody is perfect in understanding. Comfort might be had in being more perfect than someone else but ultimately, of course, we all are in the same spiritual boat. Our righteousness comes from God. Anything else is as filthy rags.(Isa. 64:6) How does Jesus see us and how we should see one another is the key element of unity.
One of the most beautiful examples of "to cover in silence" is seen in Jesus' dealings with Peter. Peter was handpicked by Jesus to be an apostle, left all to follow Jesus, was outstanding as a participant in the earthly ministry of Jesus, witnessed firsthand Jesus raising the dead, healing, feeding over 9000 people with a few fish and a little bread, watched Jesus calm a turbulent sea, saw Him cast out demons, was present and a spokesman at the transfiguration. Jesus, according to some, stayed at Peter's house in Capernaum. How many conversations did they have? How many prayers did they pray together? John said of Jesus: "...there are also many other things which Jesus did. If they should be all recorded one by one(in detail), I suppose that even the world itself could not contain(have room for) the books that would be written."(Jn. 21:25)(Amplified) No doubt Peter was privileged to see and experience many of the things John spoke of that were never written about.
One of the most beautiful examples of "to cover in silence" is seen in Jesus' dealings with Peter. Peter was handpicked by Jesus to be an apostle, left all to follow Jesus, was outstanding as a participant in the earthly ministry of Jesus, witnessed firsthand Jesus raising the dead, healing, feeding over 9000 people with a few fish and a little bread, watched Jesus calm a turbulent sea, saw Him cast out demons, was present and a spokesman at the transfiguration. Jesus, according to some, stayed at Peter's house in Capernaum. How many conversations did they have? How many prayers did they pray together? John said of Jesus: "...there are also many other things which Jesus did. If they should be all recorded one by one(in detail), I suppose that even the world itself could not contain(have room for) the books that would be written."(Jn. 21:25)(Amplified) No doubt Peter was privileged to see and experience many of the things John spoke of that were never written about.
Yet during Jesus' darkest hour on earth Peter committed the unexpected. He cowardly denied Jesus and openly and emphatically stated his denials. Matthew recorded that he even "...began to curse and to swear..." while twice saying of Jesus "I do not know the man."(Mt. 26:74)(Interlinear) Then he "...wept bitterly..."(Mt. 26:75)
Yet during Jesus' darkest hour on earth Peter committed the unexpected. He cowardly denied Jesus and openly and emphatically stated his denials. Matthew recorded that he even "...began to curse and to swear..." while twice saying of Jesus "I do not know the man."(Mt. 26:74)(Interlinear) Then he "...wept bitterly..."(Mt. 26:75)
What would Jesus do with such a man? What in the world would the other disciples do with such a man? But of course Jesus had already told them " will all fall away on account of me."(Mt. 26:31)(NIV) Even so, according to some present day religionists there had to be a distinction. Maybe we could accuse him of verbally denying Christ while we did not. There must be some reason for uncovering his sins. What about the inner circle? What would they think of him? How about the developing church? The presumption of Peter! All those things he bragged about! Didn't he say he would die before he would deny Christ? At Caeserea Philippi did he not try to tell Jesus outright that Jesus would not have to die? He even cut off Malchus' ear at the arrest! He had been so trustworthy, so dedicated, so dependable, so hardworking. Now look at him! What a blessing Peter's fate did not rest in the hands of such critics and faultfinders. Rather it rested in the hands of a loving God and a caring Savior.
What would Jesus do with such a man? What in the world would the other disciples do with such a man? But of course Jesus had already told them " will all fall away on account of me."(Mt. 26:31)(NIV) Even so, according to some present day religionists there had to be a distinction. Maybe we could accuse him of verbally denying Christ while we did not. There must be some reason for uncovering his sins. What about the inner circle? What would they think of him? How about the developing church? The presumption of Peter! All those things he bragged about! Didn't he say he would die before he would deny Christ? At Caeserea Philippi did he not try to tell Jesus outright that Jesus would not have to die? He even cut off Malchus' ear at the arrest! He had been so trustworthy, so dedicated, so dependable, so hardworking. Now look at him! What a blessing Peter's fate did not rest in the hands of such critics and faultfinders. Rather it rested in the hands of a loving God and a caring Savior.
I recently heard a young preacher speak of the numbers of "fallen" preachers as if they no longer had any value in the Kingdom of God, nor would they ever have any value to it. What would Jesus do with such a fallen man especially one who went out and "wept bitterly."(Mt. 26:75) Tongue in cheek comments and ego building on the weaknesses of others is not the way agape love operates.
I recently heard a young preacher speak of the numbers of "fallen" preachers as if they no longer had any value in the Kingdom of God, nor would they ever have any value to it. What would Jesus do with such a fallen man especially one who went out and "wept bitterly."(Mt. 26:75) Tongue in cheek comments and ego building on the weaknesses of others is not the way agape love operates.
The scriptural take on the weaknesses of others is: "Brothers, if a man is trapped in some sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself; you also may be tempted." "Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."(Gal. 6:1-2)(NIV)
The scriptural take on the weaknesses of others is: "Brothers, if a man is trapped in some sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself; you also may be tempted." "Carry each other's burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."(Gal. 6:1-2)(NIV)
Quite to the contrary of the take of the young preacher on the "fallen" was a comment I read recently. The writer stated his sorrow at the number of men who were preachers, teachers, servants in ministries of all sorts who had been expelled from their duties and forgotten because of the malicious and calloused judgments of others.
Quite to the contrary of the take of the young preacher on the "fallen" was a comment I read recently. The writer stated his sorrow at the number of men who were preachers, teachers, servants in ministries of all sorts who had been expelled from their duties and forgotten because of the malicious and calloused judgments of others.
Wonder how Peter would have fared among some religious societies. Or for that matter how about Moses, David, Abraham, Jacob, Paul, etc.etc.etc....
Would Peter have preached the first gospel sermon for them.(Acts 2) Would I and II Peter have been accepted into the canon of scripture. Would the former cripple of Acts 3:1-9 have gone "walking" "jumping" "praising God". Under the guidance of some religionists none of this would have happened if Peter's ministry had been taken from him because of his weaknesses. Peter's success as a Christian worker and preacher was so useful that "...more and more men and women believed in the Lord..."(Acts 5:14) (NIV) And his effectiveness as a healer became so well known that people were bringing the sick into the streets "and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by."(Acts 5:15)(NIV)
Wonder how Peter would have fared among some religious societies. Or for that matter how about Moses, David, Abraham, Jacob, Paul, etc.etc.etc....
Would Peter have preached the first gospel sermon for them.(Acts 2) Would I and II Peter have been accepted into the canon of scripture. Would the former cripple of Acts 3:1-9 have gone "walking" "jumping" "praising God". Under the guidance of some religionists none of this would have happened if Peter's ministry had been taken from him because of his weaknesses. Peter's success as a Christian worker and preacher was so useful that "...more and more men and women believed in the Lord..."(Acts 5:14) (NIV) And his effectiveness as a healer became so well known that people were bringing the sick into the streets "and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by."(Acts 5:15)(NIV)
So what would Jesus do with such a man as Peter who was among those who "...will fall away..."(Mt. 26:31)(NIV)
So what would Jesus do with such a man as Peter who was among those who "...will fall away..."(Mt. 26:31)(NIV)
The decision was reached on resurrection morning. Women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. He was gone from the tomb. The angel of the Lord who was there made a very significant statement for Peter's benefit I believe. The message to the women was: "...go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him,..."(Mk. 16:7)(KJV) Briefly spoken Peter, Jesus has not given up on you.
The decision was reached on resurrection morning. Women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. He was gone from the tomb. The angel of the Lord who was there made a very significant statement for Peter's benefit I believe. The message to the women was: "...go your way, tell His disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him,..."(Mk. 16:7)(KJV) Briefly spoken Peter, Jesus has not given up on you.
Wonder what Peter thought when he got the message. Luke tell us " up and ran to the tomb..."(Luke 24:12)(NIV)
Jesus appeared to his disciples on various occasions over a 40 day period before he ascended to heaven. The heading over John 21:15-25 in the NIV reads : "Jesus Reinstates Peter." Here is one man who let Jesus down that experienced how the love of Christ covers and protects. Jesus told Peter "Feed My lambs..."(Jn. 21:15) "...take care of my sheep..."(Jn. 21:16) "Follow me."(Jn. 21:19)(KJV)
And He tells us "A new commandment I give you: Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another."(Jn. 13:34)(NIV)
It occurs to me at least that our take on scripture is fuzzy and deluded if we believe that a fallen person, a sinful person, a weak person who has a desire to serve Jesus, who is sorry for his sins and repentant of those sins, who is qualified to serve Christ, who has left all to follow Him, no longer has any place to serve in His kingdom. It also occurs to me that those who think so need to pick up their Bibles and learn what scripture really does say about love and forgiveness and reconciliation and renewal. The love of God and the love of the church is called agape...We will ourselves to cover and protect others. Jesus did. His true children will do the same...