Wednesday, December 31, 2008

God's Mercies Are New Every Morning

An Awesome Sunset

An Awesome Cabin In The Mountains

An Awesome Fireplace In The
Cabin In The Mountains

An Awesome Bed In An Awesome Cabin
In the Mountains

An Awesome Recliner In The
Mountains to sit in only
"No Sleeping Allowed"

We have just returned from a wonderful
trip to the Smokey Mountains to spend
Christmas with Bunnie and Ken and
Jason and Kim and their children.
They are so very gracious and kind
to us every time we visit. It was
a fun filled time with the sharing of
gifts, eating great food and
just enjoying each others
company. We spent
our last night with
them in the Smokey Mtns of
Pigeon Forge in a beautiful
cabin (not your typical cabin) that
was at the very top of one of those
mountains. We traveled home on the
back roads going to Maryville
and Lenoir City and saw some of
the most beautiful rivers
and streams and the sky was even
opening up and just blending in
with the scenery. It is nice to be back
but it will surely be a
long time before I forget the
wonderful feeling we had as we
just took in the beauty of the world
around us and the sweet people
that let us be a part of their world
for a small time. Thank you
Bunnie, Ken, Jason and Kim for
a wonderful Christmas.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


This doesn't look like a lot
of people but it is when they all get
in one room, laughing, eating,
opening presents and singing. We
have had a wonderful time here
with Bunnie and Ken and Jason and
Kim celebrating Christmas. They have
been so generous with their home and family
sharing all they have with LaJuana
and I. We even got our flu shot here
in the kitchen again this year. Boy
how special is that! We will be leaving
here tomorrow, stopping in Pigeon Forge to
spend one more night with the family. They have
rented a huge cabin and asked that we
stay one more night. It will be nice
to get back and prepare to move into
our new home but it will surely be
a little sad to leave here. We have had
such a great time and I have caught
up on my reading and relaxing and
ready to really blog again soon.
Pray for us as we begin to
travel again Tuesday. Happy
New Year to all of You.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Jesus is the same, He is no respector
of persons. He loves us all! He died
for us all! I am happy to celebrate
His birthday and acknowledge
what He did for me, a sinner. It
is my prayer that everyone will
come to know Jesus as their personal
Lord and Savior.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


After some weeks of looking for another place to live because we had outgrown our little apartment, Lajuana and I have finally found the place. Above is a picture of it. We purposely looked for something that had a nice size yard but we did not want anything very big. We did not want another apartment. We simply wanted a small, unassuming house that we could be comfortable in. We think this is it. The little apartment was nice and we thanked God for it. But now we are thanking him for more space and a quiet neighborhood.
We are visiting in Tennessee and will be back in Louisiana around the first of the year. We plan to start packing and moving our few things then.
We feel blessed indeed. We have family and friends in Tennessee and Louisiana who care about and love us and soon, God willing, we will be comfortable in a quaint, little ole house that we will make home for awhile.
What we need the most God has already given us through the Lord Jesus Christ. God is a God of peace and He has given us His peace. We are blessed with His forgiveness. We have been reconciled to Him. We are sanctified by His Spirit. The redemption of our souls was purchased by His Son. We hope to seek His kingdom first. And if we do that then all the things we need, including little ole houses, will be given us. So we give Him honor and we trust Him and we know that everything is going to be all right.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Talk About "The Shack"

The picture above is one taken during our visit to Israel. I think it is probably one of the most important to me. The raised building serves two purposes: It is built over the Apostle Peter's house in the old city of Galilee, Capernaum, and it is used to look down into the various rooms of Peter's house.
I often think of this house. So many things went on within it's walls. The scriptures tell us Jesus had no house, not even a shack. But scripture tells us that He used Peter's house in the city of Capernaum. (Matthew 8:14) Our guide informed us that there is evidence that one of the rooms in Peter's house was Jesus' room. That may be the case. One thing we do know is that Capernaum became Jesus' headquarters in that area for His ministry. And we do know that He was in Peter's house on more than one occasion. Just think about all the conversations that must have gone on in that house. If only those walls could speak.
Even though He had no permanent dwelling place and had to share someone else's house, He loves us so much that He offers us mansions. "In my Father's house are many mansions..." And He has gone to "...prepare a place..." for us His people.(John 14:2) And in doing so He leaves us the message "...Let not your heart be troubled..."(John 14:1) What is the point? To me that is the point of The Shack. It could not have been written had Jesus not come and lived a a borrowed house in a little out of the way place in Israel. It could not have happened had He not been born in a stable. It could not have happened had he not been raised in a small town in the hills of Israel of not more than perhaps 150 people. But The Shack was written I believe from a heart that was touched by the love and concern of a loving God and Saviour who were revealed to us by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Millions of people have lived and died since the Saviour was on this earth to give Himself for their sins. (John 3:16) For sure, we cannot all agree on every specific detail of religions and churches. But one thing we can agree on and during this season it becomes so vividly clear. And that one thing is that God cares about us. God dwells in us through His Holy Spirit. God loves us. God comforts us in our sorrows. God holds us up when we would quake and tremble and fall under the pressures of life. When it seems we cannot go another step because our sorrow weignts us down to the point that we would give up, God is there with outstretched hand and even there with us in that horrible pit ,that miry clay
lifting us up.
The Shack does leave a lot to the imagination. But the message is a great one. The God-head is involved with the people of God. And no matter the consternation we may feel about the trials and problems of life ,God is with His people whoever they are and wherever they are. He is not limited by our thought processes. He is not bogged down in our prejudices and beliefs. He does not have his favorites as we do. He does not have an agenda that prohibits Him from seeing the needs of people. He cares about us. He cares about our daily problems. He cares about our welfare. He has been there has He not. He is the Incarnate Saviour who came here to experience first hand all of that and He is qualified for the task. My advice to me and I think the advice of The Shack is to let him do it. Depend on Him. Trust Him. That is what He wants.
And no matter how dark and dismal things may seem to be here ultimately everything is going to be okay because He does care for us.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside

It was beautiful ..............So much snow falling so fast is just breath taking. It just has to make one think how awesome our God is. Snow is the only thing that can take a complete city, paint it white and make everything clean and sparkling. We were able to just walk around in it, take pictures and enjoy the fresh smell of clean white snow. After a few hours of this wonderful bliss reality kicked in. The electricity had been off for a few hours, the apartment was getting a little chilly and there was no where to make a pot of coffee. We had not had breakfast nor had we had our shower and gotten dressed, that includes blow drying the hair.
So you ask was the beauty of the snow worth the inconveniences we had to deal with after the storm. I would have to say yes, yes indeed!. There is a time and place for everything as we are told and Thursday morning early was the time for the most beautiful snowfall South Louisiana has seen in over 80 years. Pictures were taken to help us remember this awesome day. And I can't think of a better place for God to have let it happen. All the kids and adults had a ball playing and throwing snowballs and building snowmen, or just enjoying from a frosted window from inside.
We only had to do without electricity for 24 hours while others are still without. So I am just so thankful for the beautiful picture God painted for us Thursday morning and will remember it for years to come. LaJuana and I have truly enjoyed our first snowfall together.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


As I write this it is the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday families and friends gathered together to eat a meal and to share fellowship. On the same day, however, on the other side of the oceans, in old Bombay, there was injury and death at the hands of terrorists whose aim was to inconvenience, disrupt and destroy the lives of others. Those terrorist espouse a cause they truly believe in and hurting and killing and dying is simply a way of life to them in the name of their religion.

The pleas of the victims, whether little innocent children or adults , are ignored and go unnoticed as they work their evil in the lives of their victims. No consideration is given to the possible good hearts, honesty, integrity or benevolent nature or loving motivations of their victims. The terrorists consider themselves religiously correct in their harsh dealings of their fellowman and whoever does not line up with them is wrong and worthy of hurt.

Isn't it saddening that they have their counterparts in the religious world at large today. These zealous religious activists have no qualms about destroying and discomfiting the lives of others and they do it all in the name of religion. It unfortunately happens every day among "civilized" and "church" going people who have attached themselves in some fashion to the name of the One and only true God, Jesus Christ the Righteous.

It is quite a paradox that in His name they work dastardly deeds in such despicable ways. Terrorists defend themselves in their maltreatment of others and find justification in their acts from the philosophical bases of their beliefs. The difference between the two types of terrorists is that one is based in a system of hate and despite and the other has no basis. They both have saviours. One is consistent with the life-style and belief system of its saviour. The other is inconsistent with the life-style and belief system of its Saviour. For the Saviour they supposedly follow is a peaceful, nonviolent, compassionate, merciful Saviour who has told His followers to put up their swords, and would not endorse the maltreatment of " of the least of these..."

I suppose there are many motives in writings and many reasons to write. I hope my motive is and always will be to discern and know truth. If truth is irrelevant to our lives and we behave simply on the basis of our feelings and prejudices then my writing has no purpose. If truth really does matter and really does set me free from my sins then I should know it and follow it. And I should strive for truth and true freedom in Him.

What is the truth about transparency and should the transparent suffer at the hands of religious terrorists?

To this point we have looked at tranparency from several viewpoints. We have learned that Christians should be free to be transparent with God and one another. James said "Confess your trespasses to one another..."(James 5:16) John said "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."(I John 1:9) Jesus told the story of the Pharisee and the publican. "...the tax collector...would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven...saying, God, be merciful to me a sinner..." "And Jesus said, '...this man went down to his house justified..'"(Luke 18:13-14) God's reaction to transparency of His children should be the same reaction of His children to His other children. "And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."(Ephesians 4:32)

Experience, sometimes very hard experience, proves that the above attitude is not always prevalent among God's children. There are some who do not emulate the reaction of Christ to the transparency of His people.

Recently, I have gone through the Greek alphabet and studied some of the possible negative reactions some have toward others. And I was amazed at the numbers of Greek words that by definition describe just how negative one can be toward another. The detailed and explicit description of possible negative thoughts and actions toward others is evidence of just how much truth wants to display how wrong negative reactions toward others are.

Jesus summed up the positive way we are supposed to interface the lives of others. His blessed life was a depiction of the very truth He taught His disciples about their relations with others. He said.."...thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself..."(Matthew 22:39) And His chosen man to the Gentiles described the nature of that love in I Corinthians 13. "Church" terrorists should read what Jesus and Paul said, digest it, and live it. No doubt the positive would negate the negative. But so often that is not the case, despite what Jesus taught. And that is to the detriment of the imperfect transparent Christian who is willing to tell the truth.

There was a time when I thought that to speak of positive Christian relationships was to weaken doctrine and ecclesiology because to do so one had to give up a certain amount of doctrine and church orthodoxy. I have changed my mind. True doctrine and ecclesiology strengthen and enhance relationships.

And where terrorism exists in a church true doctrine and ecclesiology is not present.

Therefore, it is a sad note that so many use doctrine and ecclesiology as an excuse and smoke screen to discourage relationships with transparent Christians. There is no support anywhere in the Bible for cutting off relationships with a transparent brother. As a matter of fact if Jesus' dealings with the Pharisees of His day were seriously considered one would discover that He shamed the Pharisees for exactly that kind of behavior.

God's community is meant to be an inclusive, together community. Those who negatively affect their brother cannot practice that. They are more barrier oriented than together oriented. Barriers are convenient to negativism. Some prefer it that way. So fences are built and boxes are made and people are put across the fences and inside the boxes. For some, it is easier to pick out the "good" when this is done. This is an identification process to them. Their take on things is that there are always those who are worse than we are and there are always those who are more hardened sinners than we. So we don't have to deal with them. They are not worthy. And if one is transparent these folks look at that as being an excuse or manufactured humility, or a facade to hide bad behavior. Paul had a word for folks like that. "...wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things." Romans 2:1)

The Scriptures encourage those folks to tear down the fences and let people out of their little boxes. Note the following..."...we should live together with Him..."(I Thessalonians 5:10) "...members should have the same care for one another..."(I Corinthians 12:25) "...the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other."(II Thessalonians 1:3) " lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."(Philippians 2:3) "...having compassion one of another love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous."(I Peter 3:8) "be merciful just as your Father also is merciful."(Luke 6:36) " often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" "Jesus said unto him, 'I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."(Matthew 18:21-22)

The above admonitions for togetherness are impossible in some circles. For you cannot have that when your attitude is to judge, condemn and refuse your brother's transparency and openness about his imperfections.

Some years ago I was preaching in a church in Texas. A brother came to openly confess his sins and ask for the prayers of the church. Before everyone left the building I heard another brother say "I don't care how many times he confesses, I will never forgive him." And so it goes....

Transparency is not easy, but in God's community of believers it should be honored. I am aware of an individual who served Christ for decades, was responsible for hundreds being brought to Christ, and worked with the underprivileged for over 30 years. I know him well. His transparency was used against him. Problem is he was no dummy. He knew about the forgiveness of the prodigal; the joy of the adulterous woman's freedom from her sins; the release of Peter from his waywardness to become a servant and martyr for Christ; the injustice of righteous Stephen's accusers; the washing away by Christ's blood of the sins of murder and persecution by Paul; the tearful confessions and removal of the sins of David with Bathsheba and against Uriah; and the justification of the transparent publican; and much more. He knew that the only unforgiveable sin was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

O yes, he was ostracized, shunned, condemned, but His faith was in Christ and not in a handful of religious terrorists. O yes, they attempted to strip him of his honor. They attempted to ruin him spiritually, physically, financially, domestically but God is the Great Provider not them. He will still be working his loving and benevolent ways when they are gone to eternity. Jesus wept because He tried to save Jerusalem and they would not listen. Ironically these religious terrorists suffer sorrow when a sinner does realize his dependenc on the Saviour and makes an effort to go to Him.

Another thing that individual was perceptive enough to understand was the blatant, open, obvious inconsistency of these terrorists. Their inconsistency was so ridiculous that it borders on the hilarious. And to my knowledge their inconsistencies continue to this day. Remember I know this oppressed man and I know his accusers. He was by no means perfect. But of course neither are they. The old saying about skeletons in the closets applies to every one of them. And they know those skeletons are there. But they have cut out the light, slammed the door of the closet shut and locked it, because they are afraid the light will shine through and shine on those old bones. Odd that they would condemn the transparency of that honest man. How inconsistent can you get.

I have no desire to elucidate on the bones in their closets. I could. I won't. Some of the bones are dust by now I am sure. But they are still there. But oh, if they could speak. The brashness! The tendency to judge! The perfection! The greatness! Where would they all go?

Religious persecution comes in big and little packages. History tells us that. How many book burnings have happened. How many Servetuses have there been. People burned at the stake because of their failure to comply. One thing about history, and one thing about this writing and others like it is that they will provide a record for future generations..And history and time and eternity will bring to light the real truth. When all the bones in all the closets have gone the truth will prevail. That is the reason that this man I am talking about here does not despair because of these religious tyrants. Because one day the truth will be known.

But wait! Are we talking only about inconsistency? Perhaps there might be some politics and favoritism here. Of course the Bible says "...God is no respecter of persons..."(Acts 10:34) Favoritism will cause a brain to malfunction and in some cases premature Alzheimer's will result. Some are so forgetful of their sins and the ones closest to them. That brother who bore the wrath of those closet slammers, who was completely transparent, was completly baffled and befuddled at their reactions. One of the so-called leaders got on the internet and broadcast that that transparent brother was "fallen." Yet, absolutely categorically that individual was guilty of the same exact "sin" he assumed the transparent brother was guilty of committing. (duh) And that is a known fact. And the astounding thing is how that individual could possibly be a part of a accusing group who could accuse who could maltreat a brother in a way they were not willing to maltreat him. Another of that group told the transparent brother he was not judging him. Then he had the audacity to say "I am not judging you." And followed that up by saying "You know the Bible as well as I do." That transparent brother knew the Bible did not condemn transparency. And he also knew that the man had just made contradictory statements. And the man proved it by soon getting on the phone and heralding all over the nation his recently acquired information. And of course, the transparent brother wondered why they did not do that about others in their fellowship and in their families and hand that phone to some of those skeletons. Another one of them cried when he heard that brother's transparent story. Then he went out and spread the news that the brother was worldly. How easy it is to transfer all that worldliness to others. Be careful, that skeleton is trying to open that door!

I don't have time or space to write all the things that have happened to that brother because of the tactics of a few. It continues to this day. There is no doubt that transparency suffered here. But ultimately it will win. Because transparency frees you. And this man I have been telling you about is indeed by the Amazing Grace of God free from all that. It is really too bad that uncaring judges have such very short memories of their own imperfections and fall short of a complete understanding of God's perfect will. There is so much there for them. And it is my prayer that they will find it. And they too will be free.

One Biblical concept and principle that addresses our brave and truthful, transparent brother who came to grips with his life and his shortcomings and confessed his wrongs to the chagrin of the "perfect" is repentance. To the religious terrorist repentance is a fuzzy concept with very little meaning apparently. But to God it is the crowning thought of a forgiven man. And it, despite the attitude of the chosen few is for all. "It is not that the Lord is slow in fulfilling His promise, as some suppose, but that He is very patient with you, because it is not His will for any to be lost, but for all to come to repentance." (II Peter 3:9)

There are those who need no repentance it seems. Transparency is to them a weakness. Confession is an opportunity for condemnation. Repentance is impossible. I thank God that all fellowships are not like that. There are fellowships who admit the weaknesses of men. Sin is real. We all commit it. The answer is not dependence on men for the solution to our problems. Jesus loves us and always will. He honors our transparency. He understands our plight. Not only did He know of it, He became sin for us. While we were yet sinners He died for us. He says "Come." Not "Leave."

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all men had the same attitude as heaven with respect to the souls of men? "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them..."(Luke 9:56) "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance."(Luke 15:7) "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."(John 10:10)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Is More Than One Day


A Reminder !

We were on our way back to Louisiana after a wonderful trip to Tennessee visiting with Bunnie, Ken, Jason,Kim and all the grandchildren when LaJuana looked out and saw this perfectly shaped cross formed from the clouds and lying down in the horizon. I felt it was as if God was gently saying "Good Night" with a sweet reminder of His great gift to us. It certainly made an impression on us both.
We had a great surprise around 11 PM one night when Bunnie hollered for us to come downstairs. When we got there it was snowing ! What an awesome sight that was. It had been quite some time since I had seen the beautiful white, cold snowflakes. I couldn't help but remember God's Word in Job 38:22 and all throughout this chapter. God tells us HE
creates all these things. I know God is EVERYTHING, THE GREAT "I AM".
So as we get through this great holiday weekend let us be forever reminded of the greatest gift of ALL. JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. Certainly reason to be very thankful in all things. Just because HE IS.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Transparency # 4

Thanks for continuing with me on this most important subject of Transparency. The third point on the subject is since all things will definitely and ultimately be transparent, and since scripture encourages us to be transparent, Christians everywhere should feel free to be transparent with God, and with one another. This transparency should be evident without fear and dread of reprisal and retaliation in every Christian community. The fact that retaliation does occur should not hinder one from transparency, for it is a God-given right and God even expects transparency in the Christian community. The one passage that stands out to me is Eph. 4:32. It says "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." In light of this passage no Christian should feel hesitant to be transparent with another Christian.
Example after example is given in Scripture about God's willingness to honor and recognize the transparency of any individual.
Mt. 18:15-17 holds the key to Christians being able to talk one on one and in groups about problems. "...if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone."(Mt. 18:15)
In Lk. 18:9-14 the Pharisee had a different viewpoint of the transparent publican than Jesus. Often this is the case for various reasons. Perhaps the shortcomings of the publican in the opinion of the Pharisee were much more significant because of the Pharisee's heightened idea of his own self-importance and perfection. The publican simply said "...God be merciful to me a sinner."(Lk. 18:13) And for some reason Jesus said of the publican that he was justified and the Pharisee was not. Was it the complete transparency of the publican about himself?
The thief of Lk. 23 was on a cross next to the Savior. The thief said to the other thief "...we receive the due rewards of our deeds..."(Lk. 23:41) And he said simply to Jesus "...remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."(Lk. 23:42) Jesus took that man into paradise with Him that day. Why? The man was bound remember and nailed to a cross. He could not get down from that cross and go and undo or redo his life. He was simply a transparent individual with Jesus. And His reward was paradise. Wouldn't it be great if our transparency with our friends reaped similar attention.
The prodigal of Lk. 15 said to his father "...Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight..."(Lk. 15:21) The Father said "...this my son is alive again; he was lost and is found."(Lk. 15:24)
Indeed all live people are in need of the above kind of transparency. Ro. 3:23 says we are for it says..."for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" I Jn. 1:8 says "...if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." And I Jn. 1:9 alludes to the acceptance of God when we are transparent about our sins. It says..."If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Thank you Jesus.
Yet more on transparency later...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Transparency #3

Some months ago, after having been transparent with Jesus in my youth, and many times through the years as I grew into young manhood, middle manhood and older manhood I dared be transparent with a select few church leaders and friends. My transparency was about a personal dilemma I had endured in my life for years.
I gave up machoism and was completely transparent. And I think the reactions of some of those with whom I was transparent might well be the reason true transparency is such an uncommon commodity among church people today.
A paradox that befuddles me to this day is that among those church leaders I confided in and privileged to work closely with as a fellow church leader, was a man who in church meeting after church meeting said.."Let's be transparent." So I was. What were the results of my honesty with church leaders and some friends? I will eventually give you the outcomes. But first let's establish some absolute and scriptural truths with respect to transparency.
In the first place the Bible teaches that eventually and ultimately everything will be transparent. Transparency will shine through the mist of every attempt to conceal truth.
"...there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light."(Mk. 4:22)
"...there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account."(Heb. 4:13)
"Some men's sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later."(I Tim. 5:24)
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,...(II Cor. 5:10)
"All the nations will be gathered before Him,..."(Mt. 25:32)
So it is that everything will be transparent.
In the second place, since this is true, God has given each person the right to be open, transparent, and honest about himself or herself with the hope of reconciliations, redemption, salvation, forgiveness, sanctification and every other blessing that is " Christ Jesus."
"For I will declare my iniquity; I will be in anguish over my sin."(Ps. 38:18)
"Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins."(Mt. 3:5-6)
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."(Ja. 5:16)
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."(I Jn. 1:9)
Fact is transparency is a Bible subject. Ultimately all will be transparent. At present God gives all His children the right to transparency.
More on the subject in the next blog.

Monday, October 27, 2008


David and Jonathan were such true friends. They were soul-mates. They understood one another and accepted one another.
It is said of Jonathan "...the soul of Jonathan was knit to David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."(I Sam. 18:1)
A friend of mine who lives in Wiggins, Ms. recently read one of my blogs I had written about my deceased friend Sonny Sziszak. In writing I had referred to our friendship as being something like David's friendship with Jonathan as revealed in I Sam. 18:1. My friend from Wiggins pointed me to what David said about Jonathan when Jonathan died in battle with the Philistines. David said "I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; You have been very pleasant to me..."(II Sam. 1:26)
Who can find a better example of real transparency than that of David and Jonathan?
Transparency is defined as "allowing light to pass through" "easily understood" "frank".
And what a popular word it is in various circles today. This became so very evident to me recently when I heard a political candidate say "Let's be transparent." And I thought, "what" "why"? Just look at the way they depict one another now without so much transparency. Think how bad it would get if they were truly transparent.
There was a time in our culture when transparency of any sort was a no, no. It was considered weakness. The strong, silent type was glamorized. Men were to keep things to themselves. Most everyone was reared in that setting. Don't talk about mistakes, doubts, or shortcomings. Express your self-confidence, independence, dependability, strength at all costs. Don't be a puddin. Suck it up we were told. And anyway everybody has problems so no one is interested in yours.
I seem to remember that Paul said that when he was weak then he was strong. He was not at all hesitant about revealing his shortcomings over and over again. He even informed us that our individual works were worth nothing. He told us that pride goes before the fall and if we think we are something we need to be careful. But I am getting ahead of myself.
Indeed transparency is a scriptural concept. There will be a time when at a moment everything will come into the light, even those things which are done in private behind closed doors.
So, knowing this, one day in a little church building I decided to be transparent. I became very transparent with Jesus. And He said, son, come into my kingdom. You are forgiven. And He told me that he had come to save and not to condemn. Praise His blessed Name....
More on transparency in the next blog.......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Transparency #1

The light shines out of darkness
The result of

True Transparency

Last evening I was confronted with the reality of the most transparent person ever to be. I viewed for the first time "The Passion of the Christ."
Jesus said that He was "...the light of the world..."(Jn. 8:12) Peter told God's children that the were "...called out of darkness into His marvellous light."(I Pet. 2:9)
The cost of that blessing was so vividly depicted to me last night. I could not help but think of our recent trip to Jerusalem. We were taken to the Praetorium, a place with a stone wall and block floors, and we were told that this was the place where Jesus was scourged. So the Romans soldiers, we were told, beat Him beyond recognition, put a cross on his mutilated shoulders, and led Him out and crucified Him. The movie depicted a horribly lacerated Savior, but I am sure the producers could not imagine what actually happened to him that day in that bleak hour of His earthly existence.
Why did He do that I have often thought. He didn't have to. I will never understand completely why He suffered like that for such a worm as I. God really is love. And yes even God Himself must have suffered loss as the hands of that uncaring mass of people who killed His Son.
Why did they do what they did? I am convinced that it was because He told the truth. He was open and completely transparent. He was not a sinner as we are. But he dared to level with them and tell the truth about them and they crucifed Him.
Should we be transparent and what will be our treatment? That will be something we will look at for a while. I think it will surprise us the options that others have with respect to our lives and we theirs as we study the scriptures.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Break

Thought I would share a few pictures

that we took this afternoon. I seem to

be taking longer to get my next blog

ready for print and I didn't want any

of you to think I was getting lazy. Every

once in awhile I just have to get out close to

the water, smell it, touch it, feel the breeze

on my face. If I could I would be fishing just

about every day. I really miss my boat

but I am praying God is going to provide

another one in the future. Today was a

very relaxing, enjoyable day just being

out in God's beautiful world and

taking in all His beauty He has


Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunrise - Sunset

Seems as though LaJuana and I do a lot of traveling for some
reason. We enjoy riding around this part of Louisiana
and seeing the beautiful scenery. Even though LaJuana
was born and raised in Baton Rouge she has been gone
for a very long time. She is taking in all this beauty she
sees and taking as many pictures as she can. The Live Oaks
are about the most awesome thing she has found. As I looked
at this particular sunrise and sunset I was so reminded of how
short life is and how fast it goes by. If you take your eyes off a
sunset for more than a few seconds you will have missed it's
most beautiful moment, never to be seen again. That
particular sunset is gone forever.
Each day is the same. God gives us a fresh new day
every 24 hours and gives us a choice on how to spend that
day. I am certain I have wasted many days just doing
unmeaningful things as I am sure we all do. It is our
goal to try not to let another day go by without making
the most of it. Every breath we take, every word we speak,
every sunset we see is a blessing from God. I hope all
of you that read this will be encouraged to start making
the most of the time we have left by thanking our
Lord Jesus Christ for every blessing and asking HIM
to show us how we may be a blessing to others.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is a tribute to my dear friend
Sonny Sziszak
Sonny passed away this morning October 1
at 1:30 AM.
This morning at 4AM I got a saddening phone call. My true friend Sonny Sziszak had died during the night.
Two words in the Greek scripture can be translated friend. Hetairos means "one who is a friend to project his own interest." The other word, philos, means "a true friend who seeks another's good."
One then can be a "friend" to another for selfish reasons. Or one can be a friend full of generosity and good intentions toward another. This is true friendship.
Most people have had both kinds of friends. Sad that in a life time only a very few friends can be classified as philos. Today I lost a true friend and I will never forget him.
It was said of Jonathan, David's friend, "...the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."(I Sam 18:1)
It was my privilege to have a friend like that for over 20 years. Our friendship developed and became stronger over time. We began as fishing partners. We have never had an argument. Our relationship was positive and mutually helpful.
As the years rolled by our fishing opportunities became less and less because of his failing health and my developing circumstances. Our friendship lasted beyond the sport.
His health worsened and his heart could not endure the medicines he had to have to preserve his other organs. Last night he died. I will miss him for he was my philos.
I love you Sonny, Wayne

Friday, September 26, 2008

I Am Thinking

Tyler, Tanner and Scott with their dad, B.J.
See the love in their eyes!

SO IS HE......
I wanted to share these pictures
of the boys that were
taken at Tyler's football
game today. They
surely are a good looking bunch of boys.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love These Girls

This is Amy, my youngest daughter. It isn't a really good clear picture but I don't have many of her. Isn't she just pretty? Amy is married to Shane and has two daughters, Andie and Reagen.
This is sweet Jennifer and her precious daughter Rylea. Of course you all knew that didn't you? ha ha They are beautiful. Jen is married to Blake. She has three sons, Scott, Tyler and Tanner and one daughter, Rylea.

This is Laura my oldest daughter. They always give me a big hug before they leave. Laura is married to Brad and has three children, Chelsea, Gabe and Chloe.


Just thought I would take a few minutes to tell my girls how much I truly love them. I don't have many pictures of them to share with you but I think this one may give you an idea of how special these girls are to me. I know they are all grown up with families of their own now and lots of busy STUFF going on in their lives. I thank God for blessing me with three beautiful girls and I am happy just knowing that they are all doing well.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Every Day Is A Gift From God

Every day is indeed a gift from God.

This was a very special day indeed. Jen and Laura came with precious little Rylea to visit us. These girls will never know how blessed we were for them to come. They are all so very sweet and I do love them so. I had so much fun playing with Rylea. I look forward to all the ballgames this year so I can see all the children playing their special sport. Gabe, Chloe, Andie, Reagen,Scott, Tyler and Tanner. My goodness I have been so blessed. Chelsea doesn't play sports anymore but I am so thankful for the memories I have of all her ballgames. Every day I am reminded of how precious a day is and how fast time goes by. We have promised not to waste one day. We look forward to each day with anticipation and are thankful for every gift God gives us. Life itself is the biggy, after I am certain I have waken to a new day breathing and walking and seeing and talking, I prepare to have a great day walking with the Lord and all His blessings.

This is a very special hat and we all had to try it on. I do believe little Rylea was the cutest with Laura running a close second.

Jennifer and I had a chance to catch up on some news about the boys and what was going on in their lives. Jen has her hands full with 3 boys and a wee little one and does a wonderful job.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Pundits Of The Day Or Real Preachers?

The Dead SeaIt Receives but does not give!

A pundit, according to definition, is an expert, an authority, a learned person. These days we get a little tired sometimes of hearing from them. Their prognostications, predictions, postulating sometimes get a little old. They often confuse us because their so-called expert opinions oppose one another. One pundit says one thing and the other says quite the opposite.

But amazingly enough, all over the world little crowds and big crowds gather around self-proclaimed pundits. This often happens in politics, science, economics, world views and unfortunately there are religious pundits. Sadly enough they all claim the same Book and the same Spirit. And everybody wonders which pundit is right.

Roe v Wade was an explicit example of this. The religious pundits just could not agree on some of the key issues. They could not completely line up with one another.

In the early 80s I took a course in "Social Research." One of the requirements was to do a research model. I chose to do research on the differing opinions, if there were any, between African American preachers and Caucasian preachers on the subject of abortion. There were some differences of opinions among the religious pundits. And some were very vociferous with their opinions. My research showed me that that is exactly one of the reasons that the Court ruled the way it did in that case. There was no consistent agreement between the experts and the learned ones in the religious field.

This was indelibly imprinted on my mind just a few years ago. I was 64 years old and had been preaching for 40 years. I mentioned abortion in a sermon and the terrible cost it had tallied on our world. After the lesson I was hustled into an office by an older preacher who unloaded on me about putting politics in the pulpit. Of course, in doing this, he gave away his affiliation. To me it was not a political issue but a moral issue. Near the end of the discussion he expressed an opinion which probably had great sway with the court in 1973. He said that he did not believe that a fetus was a human being until it was born. Case in Point.

To me the only positive thing about the whole subject is that little babies who are destroyed in that process are spared the extremism of such pundits.

Men and women who realize they are sinners sadly live in the presence and under the influence of this confusion and live lives imprisoned spiritually by such "authorities." They, all too often hear replays of "Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God" or some such. And they are told "god hates all sinners" by such experts. Gloom and doom is their weekly message.

How refreshing it is when preachers are not like those kinds of pundits, but they are soul conscious, people loving, leaders of the flock. How encouraging it is when preachers stand in pulpits and teach about God's forgiveness, God's grace, God's longsuffering, God's kindness, God's love, God's compassion instead of reaching out with some all-knowing long arm of legalism that requires a perfection that no human being can perform.

Most men already know they are wretched sinners. They already know that God will judge their lives. They don't need to know how much we know but how much we care. They need to know Jesus died for them individually and wants to save them individually, no matter what they have done. They need release from guilt and depression and feelings of lostness.

For the past two weeks I have been studying the books of First and Second Samuel. David was declared to be a man after God's own heart. One thousand years later the apostle Paul reiterated the same thoughts about David in Acts 13:22. Was David perfect? Was he a sinner? Did he make mistakes? People need to have hope. Preachers need to give it to them. I challenge you to read the story of David's life carefully, each detail, and then continue to be calloused, judgemental, hard and deceitful in dealing with other sinners.

Did David know he was blessed and forgiven despite his weaknesses? Are pundits sinners? Do they seek to be saved from their sins? Perfection can be claimed but that in itself is dangerous according to scripture. If pundits have the right of blessedness then why not allow that to other sinners?

All of us need to be careful, especially those I call religious pundits. Some folks are simply , as the song goes, looking to Calvary to view the cross where Jesus died for them. For they know that grace caught their falling souls. Jesus saw their need. Man's empty and failing philosophies and opinions will not save one soul. Most people, millions of them are looking beyond that.

There is a world full of people looking up to Jesus. Show them His perfect love.

There are good preachers everywhere. Not just pundits who know it all, but intelligent, caring men who struggle to help pentitent sinners find meaning in life. These preachers have no religious agenda. They have no attachment to systems that would get in the way of Christ. They just care. No, they don't gloss over sin. But neither do they present a gospel of condemnation where there is no escape from sin and its consequences. They still believe Jesus came to save and not to condemn.

Yesterday I heard one of these preachers. And coincidentally he preached the very thing I had been studying for two weeks. He preached about David. For a long time I had thought that too many preachers were very interesting in house-keeping in their churches. And lest they give the wrong impression to their flocks or seem to be condoning certain behaviors or giving credence to them there were certain subjects that seemed to tighten their throats to the point of silence. This preacher was not one of those. He did not mind going to some of the more graphic and explicit writings of Solomon and reading them with reference to describing the husband-wife relationship. And it amazed me when he said that if his congregation was like most other American congregations then about 50 per-cent of the couples in the congregation had been divorced. So unlike many pundits. And he told divorced and remarried folks they had a right to begin again. He told them that God expects that of them. Don't quit.

Praise God. What a preacher. It is not too late. A 66 year old can have a place in God's kingdom. God does still love us. He still sees our worth. He still has a plan for us. We can still serve Him. I sobbed. I could not help it. I am sure others did. There was a building full of "amens."

Of course a truthful wise man; one who is a student of God's word cannot preach anything but that if he preaches a lesson on David. One might tend to ignore or hedge some of the issues in David's life. But thank God this preacher got to the truth and told it like it was. Therefore, he gave hope to the disconsolate. He give direction to the misdirected. He gave courage to the

discouraged. He helped all of us see the true nature of our Creator. He will lift us up out of the miry clay. When we go through the valley and the shadow we will fear no evil....on and on you could go with this...Thank you Lord for such preachers...May the pundits take a lesson from him...

I hope to study more about David and write a little more.....