Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This is a tribute to my dear friend
Sonny Sziszak
Sonny passed away this morning October 1
at 1:30 AM.
This morning at 4AM I got a saddening phone call. My true friend Sonny Sziszak had died during the night.
Two words in the Greek scripture can be translated friend. Hetairos means "one who is a friend to project his own interest." The other word, philos, means "a true friend who seeks another's good."
One then can be a "friend" to another for selfish reasons. Or one can be a friend full of generosity and good intentions toward another. This is true friendship.
Most people have had both kinds of friends. Sad that in a life time only a very few friends can be classified as philos. Today I lost a true friend and I will never forget him.
It was said of Jonathan, David's friend, "...the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."(I Sam 18:1)
It was my privilege to have a friend like that for over 20 years. Our friendship developed and became stronger over time. We began as fishing partners. We have never had an argument. Our relationship was positive and mutually helpful.
As the years rolled by our fishing opportunities became less and less because of his failing health and my developing circumstances. Our friendship lasted beyond the sport.
His health worsened and his heart could not endure the medicines he had to have to preserve his other organs. Last night he died. I will miss him for he was my philos.
I love you Sonny, Wayne

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