Friday, June 27, 2008

One More Time, Moneychangers Continued

I must say that there are times when I think all the effort and study I am putting into this blogging about moneychangers in the church is fruitless. Perhaps most of it is for my own mind settling. I know that this will not be wide read not appreciated by many. The more I read the Bible and understand Jesus' attitude toward such shenanigans in the church the more I want to depict the moneychangers for what they are. Jesus cast them out. Is it not mind boggling that now moneychangers are casting folks out of the house of God. My main hope is that in all this writing I can be of some comfort to those "sinners" out there who have been exploited by such "perfect" people and that sinners will see that there is truly forgiveness and reconciliation and freedom in Jesus Christ despite what the moneychangers may say and do.
So I move on. There are those who might read this and say, given what they perceive me to be, that I am audacious to ever write about sin and forgiveness. Let me clear one thing up for you right here. I am unworthy; I see myself that way. I am sinful; I see myself that way. I am not the judge of anyone; I see myself that way. God is the judge. If one is a moneychanger in His house, who attempts to exploit God's people by refusing God's forgiveness to them, God knows. My hope is that if you are doing this then you too will put yourself in the same category as all other men and seek God's forgiveness for yourself.
Luke 15 gives us another example of how God views sinners. This, if you remember, is a story told by Jesus himself. This sinful person about whom the story was told we have termed "The Prodigal Son." This person got his inheritance prematurely from his father; he journeyed into a far county; he wasted his possessions in riotous living; a famine came; he fed swine and would have eaten with them. He came to himself. He went back to his father to confess his sins. What was God's attitude toward this repentant prodigal? The charlatan has been known to gossip about him and turn from him so he would suffer his "just due." But what was the father's attitude? When the boy was visible "...the father saw him and had compassion..." (Luke 15:20) While he was a long way off the father ran to him "...fell on his neck, and kissed him..." (Luke 15:20) According to some charlatans of our day he should have gone into a self-righteous tirade about how much the boy had hurt him, the family, the church, the neighborhood, and the nation. But he did not. And the attitude of heaven Jesus said is this "...there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents..." (Luke 15:10)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Super Sister and Grandbaby

I would like to introduce all of you to my very sweet sister, Alma and her grandbaby Hunter. She is the reason I have not been blogging lately. LaJuana and I took a trip to Texas and spent a few days with Alma and Les and their family. I was so touched to see what a great job they had done in raising their wonderful family. We got to see just about all of the grandchildren. We also got to see some of the tourists sites..........that was fun. It is so wonderful to spend time with a sister that I have always loved. So I will be out and about for another few days as we are getting ready for another trip but I will be back on soon. Thanks for staying with me. I do believe this is more helpful to me than anyone although it does help when I get the encouragement and spiritual uplifting from all of you. Thanks again and please visit me often. Wayne

Monday, June 16, 2008

Moneychanger No 6 continued

The picture above was taken on the temple grounds. Our guide informed us that this was the possible place of the Holy of Holies in Herod's Temple which was destroyed by the Romans.

This reminds us of Hebrews 10:18-20 "Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin." "therefore, brethren , having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, " "by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh."

The charlatan cannot conceive of this for the child of God who he deems to be sinful.

A specific example of God's forgiving intentions toward us is found in the writings of Paul to the Church of Corinth. This is a case in point and to the point of forgiveness and it should be educational to the charlatan who refuses to let God's people approach the Holy of Holies. In the First Corinthian letter Paul informs the Corinthians "...there is sexual immorality among you..." (ICor. 5:1). A man was living with his fathers wife. Paul's admonition to the church was "...deliver such an one to satan for the destruction of the flesh that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus". (I Cor.5:6) According to Peloubets Bible Dictionary the Second Corinthian letter was written "...a few month subsequent to the first ..." " the same year..." "...A.D. 57...".

Hear now what Paul said to them about the immoral man of the First Corinthian letter. "This punishment which was inflicted by the majority is sufficient for such a man. " (II Cor. 2:6) " ought rather to forgive and comfort him..." (II Cor 2:7) "...lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow...". (II Cor.2:7) "...I urge you to reaffirm your love to him.."(II Cor 2:8).

The moneychanger who stands at the door of the House of God would look for a thousand excuses not to forgive and accept folks like that. There is not a one of them that is sufficient and they all fail to reflect the magnanimous spirit of the apostle which he learned from the Saviour of the world.

More on these Quacks later..............

Moneychangers No. 6

This is a picture of one of the holes in the temple grounds around the temple. These holes were there to catch the blood from the many animal sacrifices that were done. Hebrews 9:22 says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Jesus blood was shed for our forgiveness yet there are money changers who would refuse the forgiveness purchased with the blood of Christ to the people of God.

The picture above reminds us of a Saviour who died for us "...while we were yet sinners..." (Romans 5:8). Paul told the Ephesians "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7) I call those who deny the people of God forgiveness moneychangers for they exploit the House of God.

In the last writing I indicated that I would try to give reasons why moneychangers would fail the fallen by refusing to allow them forgiveness.

(1) One reason a person might deny a child of God forgiveness is because that person lacks the knowledge to understand the subject of forgiveness. A charlatan is a person who falsely claims knowledge or skill and is a self-acknowledged expert. A Christian who is a spiritual charlatan is a danger to the House of God. And this is especially true when the judgment of other men's lives is based in ones charlatanism.

The charlatan operating in the church today is an abusive force not completely fathoming the degree to which God will go in forgiving men their sins. If he did understand I can only hope that he would not be so hard hearted and mean and if he understood, (we will discuss this later) that his forgiveness depends on his attitude in this respect towards other men, he might be inclined to be less charlatan in his views.

We call a charlatan in the medical field a quack and one is no less a quack in the spiritual field. For he exploits mens' lives at a terrible cost to those men and they do not receive expert spiritual attention when they need it.

Sometimes folks are voluntary charlatans. They deny what they know or should know. An example of this occurred when Peter and John were preaching the Gospel in Jerusalem. They were on their way to preach when they were confronted by a lame man. On our recent trip to Israel we witnessed such beggars on the temple grounds in Jerusalem. The lame man was healed . Peter and John went on to preach the Gospel and we learn that to this point 5,000 men had heard the Word and "...believed..." (Acts 4:4). It is here that the quacks of the day began to operate. They were so bound up in their traditions and their own ideas about the kingdom of God that they could not conceive of what the Apostles were doing. These men were preaching a gospel of forgiveness. So the scriptures say that these charlatans were "...greatly disturbed that (Peter and John) taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead." (Acts 4:2) Of course they were disturbed because it would upset their powerful positions and the money they were receiving because of their positions. So they simply told the apostles to quit preaching " the name of Jesus..."(Acts 4:18) It is here that we see moneychanger tactics because this preaching being kept from the people would have in effect denied the people the results of preaching in the name of Jesus. That was the purpose of His coming." shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." (Matt.1:21)

Please bear with us and continue to read about the greatest story ever told. The story of a man who came and died so that we might be set free from our sins and the guilt of those sins. Indeed He removes them, as He said as far as the East is from the West and He remembers them against us no more. Too bad the charlatan will not educate himself to that fact.

The never ending story, I will pick this up tomorrow. Good nite.................................

Moneychanger No. 5 (Forgiveness)

You are looking at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem where the Jewish people go to pray for forgiveness for themselves and loved ones and to pray for the return of their Messiah.

Perhaps most of you who are closest to me understand and have perceived that I am focused on this moneychanger thing about forgiveness. I hope you don't think I am a hobbiest. I am somewhat hung up on this subject. Many of you know that in the eyes of some I " fell from grace" about a year ago. I think my writing, at least on the subject of forgiveness is because of the high handed ways I have seen moneychangers (those who exploit the house of God for their purposes) treat those who they have accused of being "fallen brothers." The proof of this came to me at the outset of my "falleness" when I was told that I would not be judged and yet in effect I was judged.

I have come to believe that there are those in the kingdom of God who are standing in the very doorway of the kingdom and exploiting the people of God while operating under the guise of being leaders in the kingdom. I believe this to be true because their actions are so diametrically
opposed to the Head of the church and the Foundation of the building of God.

Folks like these are hard , conceited, self righteous, burdensome judges of other mens' lives who have put themselves between the children of God and God's forgiveness. I know that to be true because since my "spiritual demise" they have become the epitome in my life of "kicking a 'dog' while he is down," even though the kicking has been done with the tongue.

My "fall" came when I decided to leave a marriage that had lasted for decades and had begun as a failed union. I was defrocked, dejobbed, dis-fellowshipped, cast out, and shunned in one fell swoop. There were no attempts and have not been any attempts to help me reclaim my Christianity at all. I gave them close to 50 years of my life; I attended their preachers institute; gained two baccalaureate degrees from a Christian university; and an advanced degree. I preached for some years, taught in Christian schools and helped begin a group home for children that I directed for 28 years. I was excommunicated and cut loose with almost nothing to show for 28 years of service and 50 years of my life.

They surmise I have violated their cause, yet they are inconsistent in their accusations. To this day there are within their ranks those who have committed the same "sins" with no consequences at all and they remain in good standing, and even in leadership rolls in their fellowships. And some of them have the audacity to say of me "you have left the church".

I must tell you that I am not making excuses for leaving a marriage that I should have left years ago. I did not leave it because I had been taught not to leave it, and there were children that needed to be reared. Do I think I am a sinner. I know I am. And for that reason I have been on my face in more than one church asking God's forgiveness, and He has given it.

I know that these writings have been lengthy, but I feel this is a subject that we all will face in the judgement. That subject is "forgiveness". Please bear with me as I express to you my heartfelt feelings about God's people and their forgiveness. I believe that many fellowships of today have failed those who they deem fallen, the lost, the weak, the downtrodden, and the spiritually sick. So I hope that through this sharing of my walk with you somehow or another some fellowships could resolve to be a stronger fellowships that meet the needs of all it's people healthy and sick.

I don't know the exact reason for the type of moneychanger that would exploit the people of God with reference to forgiveness. I can think of a couple of reasons. I will merely suggest them and perhaps we can all decide whether they apply to us.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Garden of Gethsemane

This is the place Jesus went to pray. We were allowed to find our special place and just get on our knees and pray to our Father. To be in the same place that Jesus was when he began to sweat blood because his prayers were so intense was so moving. He was praying for the sins of the world, how intense is that. How do you pray for everyone, every sin, every wrong doing that has ever existed or will exist until He returns. It certainly is a very sobering thought. No matter how hard we try we cannot save our self much less anyone else. Have you ever thought how much you love someone. I mean really love someone, enough to be beaten to spare someone from that beating, to let someone put you on a wooden cross and put nails into your wrists and ankles because someone you loved had sinned, and this one especially, to die on the cross for someone that hates you, that loathes you and would kill you themselves if they could. Would you willingly give up your life for that person? I probably think not. But you see......That is what Jesus did for you and me. He willingly gave His life so that you and I could forgiven of our sins and go to heaven to be with our Father forever. And we did not have to shed one drop of our own blood for Jesus. He did it all........Sometimes I think we all need to be reminded that we do not live unto ourselves, we are accountable to someone bigger than ourselves, we have to admit our sins, confess our sins and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour. After all if you had died for someone would you want them to at least acknowledge that you had died for them. Me thinks so...............

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blogged Down But Not Out

For all those that have asked why I have not blogged lately.......I have been in serious contemplative study about the moneychangers who plague the House of God.

I hope soon to have a rather lengthy writing on the subject. It occurs to me in real life such people affect others in a very significant and hurtful manner. Therefore, I have spent some days studying the "short comings of the human race" and I wonder if all men do not have short comings. It seems that some of those who exploit the House of God for selfish reasons think that is not so. I hope to prove that God truly is not a respecter of persons but He looks at us all the same way He loves us.

Speaking of love the picture that accompanies this writing is a picture of 3 of my grandchildren, Chloe, Gabe and Chelsea whom I love deeply.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Blessed Are the Children

I just wanted to share these precious grandchildren with you.
Yes indeed, I would say I am very blessed also.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Peter's House

This is where Peter's house is believed to have been. The new structure you see above it was built to protect and provide a way to look down at the house. We know that Jesus went into this house and healed Peter's mother in law. (Matt.8:14-15) I am in the process of finishing up the last writing on the Modern Day Moneychangers. I will be posting it soon and then we will get on to other places we visited while in Israel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jordan River Baptisms

River that John Baptized Jesus


Home of Cornelius built by Herod the Great (Acts 10:11)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Moneychangers #4 (3)

(3) Keeping in mind the moneychangers in Jesus day affected the house of God a derogatory way, please look with me at another possible present day moneychanger.
One of the most potent and poisonous religious moneychangers is the one who places himself in the judgement seat and judges other mens' lives. Jesus called him "...the unjust judge..." (Luke 18:6) but Jesus revealed that eventually the efforts of the unjust judge would be in vain and that God will "...avenge His own elect..." "...which cry day and night unto Him..." (Luke 18:7).
This matter of judging others is so distasteful to God that He in inspiration tells us over and over of the wrongness of it.
"Let us not judge one another anymore..." (Romans 14:13)
"...why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ." (Romans 14:10)
"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven".(Luke 6:37)
Now hear this Mr. Moneychanger. Words from the Just Judge "For with what judgement you judge you will be judged. (Matt. 7:2)

Moneychangers #3

(2) The Pharisees of Jesus' day give us another depiction of possible present day moneychangers. Jesus said of them "...all their works they do to be seen of men."(Matt 23:5) He described them in rather graphic terms because He knew them as they truly were. He could look beyond the facade of all their outward show. So he termed them "...hypocrites..." "...false..." "...blind guides..." "...serpents..." "...brood vipers..." (Matt. 23) WOW! The outside of the cup looked great to men but Oh! the inside as Jesus saw it.

Jesus was completely honest about them and revealed their hypocrisy and suffered retaliation for that. Are we willing to challenge such moneychangers and be in danger of such reprisal. Much of the time we are not so the powerful and the influential have their way and the brood of vipers of old still have their brothers in our lives.

Jesus describes the devious controlling results of their efforts. He said to them that they were willing to go to any limit to control their hearers and to "...make one proselyte ..." to their cause. And He told them in doing so " make twofold more the child of hell than yourselves". (Matt. 23:15) Jesus said it. I did not. And probably would not and perhaps will not. I just duck my head, stick my head in the sand and let them work their evil ways. Chicken me. Do I not see the importance of saving people from such controllers. Often times even our families suffer at the hands of these selfish manipulators and we just let them have their way. Jesus tells us that their ultimate work in the lives of men is that they "... shut off the kingdom of heaven from people ..." (Matt. 23:13)

Isn't it something that those that look so good, dress just right in their expensive suits, have just the right composure, even appear spiritually beautiful and righteous, pray just the right prayers, can work such evil in men's lives. How could that be, ME THINKS ME KNOWS.

Jesus tells us about these Pharisees in Luke 18. It all amounts to the fact that in all their dealings with men their god is themselves.

This Pharisee of Luke 18 had a very high opinion of himself. A big-headed individual indeed. We all have known watermelon headed people like that have we not? And it is so easy for them to judge others because of their own goodness!

This Pharisee determined that he was so good that he was not like other men. So he concluded that because of this he was not "... an extortioner..." "...unjust..." " adulterer...". And he looked over at his neighbor and concluded "...or even as this tax collector..." (Luke 18:11). So he bragged about his religious perfection. Quite a person! One of the good ones!

But who was Jesus' man? Not this deluded moneychanger! For Jesus said "And the tax collector, standing far off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast saying, "God be merciful to me a sinner!" "I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 18:13-14)

There may come into our lives those that deem themselves perfect. They are moneychangers who would exploit the people of God. We must reject the idea that perfection is in any person and look to the source of our salvation and justification, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Count Your Blessings

The older I get the more I appreciate ALL the blessings God has given to me. I have been so abundantly blessed in my life time but never more than this last year. God is such a loving God but also a very just God. I know that He will allow us to run full force arranging, organizing, planning, preaching and staying so busy with everyday life. He also is aware of how much we call upon Him seeking His advice and guidance, even in the very small things of life. Many times we call upon Him only when we are in trouble or when we cannot under any circumstances remedy life's problems so then we give it to Him, only to take it back a day later. I can assure all of you, God is in control. He does not need us to accomplish any of His plans for us or the world. He is big enough to handle any problem or situation, He just wants us to trust Him and believe in Him and to love Him. I know that many of you are going through some hard times and you cannot see your way through some things. Let me assure you God knows exactly where you are, He knows every hurt you are experiencing, He knows your heart. God is a heart doctor. He can give you a transfusion every day to build you up with a dose of faith. Most of the time we are not required to do anything except trust in Him. We cannot work our way into God's blessings, we cannot earn His Grace and mercies. God is a giving God and He loves you so much. If you will release Him and give Him permission to work in you life I promise He will show you great and mighty things that you have never seen before. Won't you trust Him?