Friday, June 13, 2008

Garden of Gethsemane

This is the place Jesus went to pray. We were allowed to find our special place and just get on our knees and pray to our Father. To be in the same place that Jesus was when he began to sweat blood because his prayers were so intense was so moving. He was praying for the sins of the world, how intense is that. How do you pray for everyone, every sin, every wrong doing that has ever existed or will exist until He returns. It certainly is a very sobering thought. No matter how hard we try we cannot save our self much less anyone else. Have you ever thought how much you love someone. I mean really love someone, enough to be beaten to spare someone from that beating, to let someone put you on a wooden cross and put nails into your wrists and ankles because someone you loved had sinned, and this one especially, to die on the cross for someone that hates you, that loathes you and would kill you themselves if they could. Would you willingly give up your life for that person? I probably think not. But you see......That is what Jesus did for you and me. He willingly gave His life so that you and I could forgiven of our sins and go to heaven to be with our Father forever. And we did not have to shed one drop of our own blood for Jesus. He did it all........Sometimes I think we all need to be reminded that we do not live unto ourselves, we are accountable to someone bigger than ourselves, we have to admit our sins, confess our sins and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour. After all if you had died for someone would you want them to at least acknowledge that you had died for them. Me thinks so...............

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