Monday, August 10, 2009


It has been said that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Yet there are glasshouse churches and glasshouse people who do throw stones.
Paul would say to such folks " posing as judge and passing sentence on another you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things(that you censure and denounce)."(Ro. 2:1)(Amplified)
Jesus said to a bunch of glasshouse folks one time: "...Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone..."(Jn. 8:7)(Amplified)
Thank God that there are some churches and people who are loving, forgiving, accepting and demonstrative of a merciful Savior and Lord.
The Holy Spirit describes for us in detail the glasshouse folks.

Zeta negatives
zelos--"...envy..." "...jealousy..." "...anger..."
"Let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the (open light of) day;..." "...not in...quarreling and jealousy."(zelo)(Ro. 13:13)(Amplified)
" are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying(zelos), and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?"(I Cor. 3:3)(K.J.V.)

zetesis--" exchange of words rather than a true search..."
"...if any one...does not assent to the sound and wholesome messages of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and the teaching which is in agreement with godliness--piety toward God--" "He is puffed up with pride and stupefied with conceit,(although he is) woefully ignorant. He has a morbid fondness for controversy(zeteseis) and disputes and strife about words, which result in (producing) envy and jealousy, quarrels and dissension, abuse and insults and slander, and base suspicions."(I Tim. 6:3-4)(Amplified)

theta negatives
thlipsis--"...trouble..." "...affliction..."
" were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions..."(thlipsesin)(Heb. 10:33)(K.J.V.)

theatrizo--"...expose to public scorn..." "...make a public spectacle..."
"...a great struggle of suffering you endured, sometimes both to insults and to persecutions being made a public spectacle,..."(theatrizomenoi)(Heb. 10:32-33)(Interlinear)

thlibo--"...afflict..." "...compress..."
"It is surely just that God should balance the account by sending trouble to those who trouble(thlibousin) you..." "...and relief to you who are troubled..."(thlibomenois)(II Thess. 1:6-7)(N.E.B.)

thumos--"...bursts of anger..."
"...behavior that belongs to the lower nature..." "...fits of rage..."(thumoi)(Gal 5:19-20)(N.E.B.)
"...Get rid of all...anger..."(thumos)(Eph. 4:31)(N.I.V.)

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