Tuesday, August 18, 2009


For every negative there is a positive and visa-versa. In language we call these negatives of positives and positives of negatives antonyms. Perhaps the antonyms of the negative ways we treat the transparency of our neighbors would be a rewarding study sometime. For every negative way we view one another there is a positive way we should view one another. And the Holy Spirit is just as thorough from the positive viewpoint as He is from the negative as he describes through inspiration the ways we should or should not treat one another.
lamda negative responses

lestes--"...one depriving another of his property openly..."
"And he, determined to acquit himself of reproach, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor?" "Jesus taking him up replied, A certain man was going from Jerusalem down to Jericho and fell among robbers,(lestais) who stripped him of his clothes and belongings, and beat him, and went their way(unconcernedly)..."(Lk. 10:29-30)(Amplified)
"..."My house shall be called a house of prayer"; but you are making it a robbers'(leston) cave."(Mt. 21:13)(N.E.B.)
Zodhiates makes a sobering point on this word in his Word Study. There are two words for thieves or robbers in the early Greek, lestai and kleptai as seen in John 10:8. Zodhiates says that a kleptes is one who "...does his work in a secret manner so that he may not be discovered..." and lestes has as its characteristic violence. His very interesting comment about the penitent thief on the cross is that he "...may have been a person who turned insurgent for some presumed righteous cause, thus seeking by the wrath of man to work out what he presumes to be God's righteousness." What a blow to human relations that rationale would be!

"...give the enemy no opportunity for slander."(loidorias)(I Tim. 5:14)(N.I.V.)
"Not rendering...abuse(loidorian) for abuse(loidorias)..."(I Pet. 3:9)(Interlinear)

me negative reponses

mache--"...fighting..." "..legal battles..."
"...avoid stupid and foolish controversies and genealogies and dissensions and wrangling..."(machas)(Titus 3:9)(Amplified)

miseo--"...to hate..." "...implying active ill will in words and conduct, a persecuting spirit..." "...equivalent to not loving..." "...to slight..."
"The one claiming in the light to be and the brother of him hating(mison) in the darkness is until now."(I Jn. 2:9)(Interlinear)
"But he who hates(detests, despises)(mison) his brother(in Christ) is in darkness and walking(living) in the dark; he is straying and does not perceive or know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes."(I Jn. 2:11)(Amplified)
"Whosoever hateth(mison) his brother is a murderer:.."(I Jn. 3:15)(K.J.V.)
"If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates(mise) his brother, he is a liar."(I Jn. 4:20)(N.I.V.)

omicron negative responses

orge--"...wrath as the outburst of a vengeful mind..."
"I desire therefore that in every place men should pray, without anger(orges) or quarreling or resentment or doubt(in their minds), lifting up holy hands."(I Thess. 2:8)(Amplified)

"...anyone who is angry(orgizomenos) with his brother will be subject to judgment..."(Mt. 5:22)(N.I.V.)

orgilos--"...prone to anger..."
"Do not associate with a man given to anger, or go with a hot-tempered(orgilo) man,..."(Prov. 22:24)(N.A.S.B.)

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