Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Is More Than One Day


A Reminder !

We were on our way back to Louisiana after a wonderful trip to Tennessee visiting with Bunnie, Ken, Jason,Kim and all the grandchildren when LaJuana looked out and saw this perfectly shaped cross formed from the clouds and lying down in the horizon. I felt it was as if God was gently saying "Good Night" with a sweet reminder of His great gift to us. It certainly made an impression on us both.
We had a great surprise around 11 PM one night when Bunnie hollered for us to come downstairs. When we got there it was snowing ! What an awesome sight that was. It had been quite some time since I had seen the beautiful white, cold snowflakes. I couldn't help but remember God's Word in Job 38:22 and all throughout this chapter. God tells us HE
creates all these things. I know God is EVERYTHING, THE GREAT "I AM".
So as we get through this great holiday weekend let us be forever reminded of the greatest gift of ALL. JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. Certainly reason to be very thankful in all things. Just because HE IS.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Transparency # 4

Thanks for continuing with me on this most important subject of Transparency. The third point on the subject is since all things will definitely and ultimately be transparent, and since scripture encourages us to be transparent, Christians everywhere should feel free to be transparent with God, and with one another. This transparency should be evident without fear and dread of reprisal and retaliation in every Christian community. The fact that retaliation does occur should not hinder one from transparency, for it is a God-given right and God even expects transparency in the Christian community. The one passage that stands out to me is Eph. 4:32. It says "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." In light of this passage no Christian should feel hesitant to be transparent with another Christian.
Example after example is given in Scripture about God's willingness to honor and recognize the transparency of any individual.
Mt. 18:15-17 holds the key to Christians being able to talk one on one and in groups about problems. "...if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone."(Mt. 18:15)
In Lk. 18:9-14 the Pharisee had a different viewpoint of the transparent publican than Jesus. Often this is the case for various reasons. Perhaps the shortcomings of the publican in the opinion of the Pharisee were much more significant because of the Pharisee's heightened idea of his own self-importance and perfection. The publican simply said "...God be merciful to me a sinner."(Lk. 18:13) And for some reason Jesus said of the publican that he was justified and the Pharisee was not. Was it the complete transparency of the publican about himself?
The thief of Lk. 23 was on a cross next to the Savior. The thief said to the other thief "...we receive the due rewards of our deeds..."(Lk. 23:41) And he said simply to Jesus "...remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."(Lk. 23:42) Jesus took that man into paradise with Him that day. Why? The man was bound remember and nailed to a cross. He could not get down from that cross and go and undo or redo his life. He was simply a transparent individual with Jesus. And His reward was paradise. Wouldn't it be great if our transparency with our friends reaped similar attention.
The prodigal of Lk. 15 said to his father "...Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight..."(Lk. 15:21) The Father said "...this my son is alive again; he was lost and is found."(Lk. 15:24)
Indeed all live people are in need of the above kind of transparency. Ro. 3:23 says we are for it says..."for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" I Jn. 1:8 says "...if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." And I Jn. 1:9 alludes to the acceptance of God when we are transparent about our sins. It says..."If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Thank you Jesus.
Yet more on transparency later...