Friday, September 26, 2008

I Am Thinking

Tyler, Tanner and Scott with their dad, B.J.
See the love in their eyes!

SO IS HE......
I wanted to share these pictures
of the boys that were
taken at Tyler's football
game today. They
surely are a good looking bunch of boys.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love These Girls

This is Amy, my youngest daughter. It isn't a really good clear picture but I don't have many of her. Isn't she just pretty? Amy is married to Shane and has two daughters, Andie and Reagen.
This is sweet Jennifer and her precious daughter Rylea. Of course you all knew that didn't you? ha ha They are beautiful. Jen is married to Blake. She has three sons, Scott, Tyler and Tanner and one daughter, Rylea.

This is Laura my oldest daughter. They always give me a big hug before they leave. Laura is married to Brad and has three children, Chelsea, Gabe and Chloe.


Just thought I would take a few minutes to tell my girls how much I truly love them. I don't have many pictures of them to share with you but I think this one may give you an idea of how special these girls are to me. I know they are all grown up with families of their own now and lots of busy STUFF going on in their lives. I thank God for blessing me with three beautiful girls and I am happy just knowing that they are all doing well.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Every Day Is A Gift From God

Every day is indeed a gift from God.

This was a very special day indeed. Jen and Laura came with precious little Rylea to visit us. These girls will never know how blessed we were for them to come. They are all so very sweet and I do love them so. I had so much fun playing with Rylea. I look forward to all the ballgames this year so I can see all the children playing their special sport. Gabe, Chloe, Andie, Reagen,Scott, Tyler and Tanner. My goodness I have been so blessed. Chelsea doesn't play sports anymore but I am so thankful for the memories I have of all her ballgames. Every day I am reminded of how precious a day is and how fast time goes by. We have promised not to waste one day. We look forward to each day with anticipation and are thankful for every gift God gives us. Life itself is the biggy, after I am certain I have waken to a new day breathing and walking and seeing and talking, I prepare to have a great day walking with the Lord and all His blessings.

This is a very special hat and we all had to try it on. I do believe little Rylea was the cutest with Laura running a close second.

Jennifer and I had a chance to catch up on some news about the boys and what was going on in their lives. Jen has her hands full with 3 boys and a wee little one and does a wonderful job.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Pundits Of The Day Or Real Preachers?

The Dead SeaIt Receives but does not give!

A pundit, according to definition, is an expert, an authority, a learned person. These days we get a little tired sometimes of hearing from them. Their prognostications, predictions, postulating sometimes get a little old. They often confuse us because their so-called expert opinions oppose one another. One pundit says one thing and the other says quite the opposite.

But amazingly enough, all over the world little crowds and big crowds gather around self-proclaimed pundits. This often happens in politics, science, economics, world views and unfortunately there are religious pundits. Sadly enough they all claim the same Book and the same Spirit. And everybody wonders which pundit is right.

Roe v Wade was an explicit example of this. The religious pundits just could not agree on some of the key issues. They could not completely line up with one another.

In the early 80s I took a course in "Social Research." One of the requirements was to do a research model. I chose to do research on the differing opinions, if there were any, between African American preachers and Caucasian preachers on the subject of abortion. There were some differences of opinions among the religious pundits. And some were very vociferous with their opinions. My research showed me that that is exactly one of the reasons that the Court ruled the way it did in that case. There was no consistent agreement between the experts and the learned ones in the religious field.

This was indelibly imprinted on my mind just a few years ago. I was 64 years old and had been preaching for 40 years. I mentioned abortion in a sermon and the terrible cost it had tallied on our world. After the lesson I was hustled into an office by an older preacher who unloaded on me about putting politics in the pulpit. Of course, in doing this, he gave away his affiliation. To me it was not a political issue but a moral issue. Near the end of the discussion he expressed an opinion which probably had great sway with the court in 1973. He said that he did not believe that a fetus was a human being until it was born. Case in Point.

To me the only positive thing about the whole subject is that little babies who are destroyed in that process are spared the extremism of such pundits.

Men and women who realize they are sinners sadly live in the presence and under the influence of this confusion and live lives imprisoned spiritually by such "authorities." They, all too often hear replays of "Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God" or some such. And they are told "god hates all sinners" by such experts. Gloom and doom is their weekly message.

How refreshing it is when preachers are not like those kinds of pundits, but they are soul conscious, people loving, leaders of the flock. How encouraging it is when preachers stand in pulpits and teach about God's forgiveness, God's grace, God's longsuffering, God's kindness, God's love, God's compassion instead of reaching out with some all-knowing long arm of legalism that requires a perfection that no human being can perform.

Most men already know they are wretched sinners. They already know that God will judge their lives. They don't need to know how much we know but how much we care. They need to know Jesus died for them individually and wants to save them individually, no matter what they have done. They need release from guilt and depression and feelings of lostness.

For the past two weeks I have been studying the books of First and Second Samuel. David was declared to be a man after God's own heart. One thousand years later the apostle Paul reiterated the same thoughts about David in Acts 13:22. Was David perfect? Was he a sinner? Did he make mistakes? People need to have hope. Preachers need to give it to them. I challenge you to read the story of David's life carefully, each detail, and then continue to be calloused, judgemental, hard and deceitful in dealing with other sinners.

Did David know he was blessed and forgiven despite his weaknesses? Are pundits sinners? Do they seek to be saved from their sins? Perfection can be claimed but that in itself is dangerous according to scripture. If pundits have the right of blessedness then why not allow that to other sinners?

All of us need to be careful, especially those I call religious pundits. Some folks are simply , as the song goes, looking to Calvary to view the cross where Jesus died for them. For they know that grace caught their falling souls. Jesus saw their need. Man's empty and failing philosophies and opinions will not save one soul. Most people, millions of them are looking beyond that.

There is a world full of people looking up to Jesus. Show them His perfect love.

There are good preachers everywhere. Not just pundits who know it all, but intelligent, caring men who struggle to help pentitent sinners find meaning in life. These preachers have no religious agenda. They have no attachment to systems that would get in the way of Christ. They just care. No, they don't gloss over sin. But neither do they present a gospel of condemnation where there is no escape from sin and its consequences. They still believe Jesus came to save and not to condemn.

Yesterday I heard one of these preachers. And coincidentally he preached the very thing I had been studying for two weeks. He preached about David. For a long time I had thought that too many preachers were very interesting in house-keeping in their churches. And lest they give the wrong impression to their flocks or seem to be condoning certain behaviors or giving credence to them there were certain subjects that seemed to tighten their throats to the point of silence. This preacher was not one of those. He did not mind going to some of the more graphic and explicit writings of Solomon and reading them with reference to describing the husband-wife relationship. And it amazed me when he said that if his congregation was like most other American congregations then about 50 per-cent of the couples in the congregation had been divorced. So unlike many pundits. And he told divorced and remarried folks they had a right to begin again. He told them that God expects that of them. Don't quit.

Praise God. What a preacher. It is not too late. A 66 year old can have a place in God's kingdom. God does still love us. He still sees our worth. He still has a plan for us. We can still serve Him. I sobbed. I could not help it. I am sure others did. There was a building full of "amens."

Of course a truthful wise man; one who is a student of God's word cannot preach anything but that if he preaches a lesson on David. One might tend to ignore or hedge some of the issues in David's life. But thank God this preacher got to the truth and told it like it was. Therefore, he gave hope to the disconsolate. He give direction to the misdirected. He gave courage to the

discouraged. He helped all of us see the true nature of our Creator. He will lift us up out of the miry clay. When we go through the valley and the shadow we will fear no evil....on and on you could go with this...Thank you Lord for such preachers...May the pundits take a lesson from him...

I hope to study more about David and write a little more.....

Thank You Jesus

I would have been able to enjoy this beautiful country
this week so much more if I had had my children
and grandchildren here with me. It has not been
easy to keep up with all these hurricanes here because
we do not have access to cable tv. And no one had
electricity in Louisiana or phone service after the
storm to give me a report of the happenings down
there. Laura and Jennifer were so good to call
whenever they could to let me know how they were
doing. I am so grateful for their phone calls.
I have watched Lajuana with her family and the sharing
that goes on here. There is a lot of togetherness for
sure. It makes me miss my children. Out of sight out
of mind is certainly not true. But I am reassured that
God has them in His Hand and that no one will
snatch them from HIM. It was great to hear from them
and know that they had survived the storm and
patiently awaiting the turning on of their electricity.
As of yesterday they were still without power.
LaJuana and I have a wonderful time when we
are here in the Smokey Mountains but I am always
happy to return to Southern Louisiana for a time so
that I can catch up with my children. I am praying
that this next storm bypasses those that have just
been hit by Gustav.
God has been so good to LaJuana and me. We are so
very blessed in so many ways and we thank God
every day for His blessings and pray blessings over
ALL our children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



As Gustav bore down on Cuba and broke into the Gulf of Mexico in a rage of fury with 150 mph winds, I shuddered at the destruction and death it could cause on the northern Gulf Shore.

I had sat through Katrina and Rita just 60 miles from New Orleans. I will never forget the howling of the wind and the sound of the snapping of the trees and the unbelievable spoiling of the beautiful swamps and wildlife and death.

I have been in Tennessee for a few days, but I have been watching the images of the storm, Gustav, on T.V. I have thought of my children and grandchildren daily who are in Louisiana and in the path of the storm. The cone of probability told us it is headed toward them with the destructive aim of a category 5 hurricane. And it had not even begun to cross the very warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

I thought of Jesus. He can control the winds. He and His disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee and "...a great windstorm arose..." (Mk. 4:37) The boat they were in was filling with water. Jesus was " the stern, asleep on a pillow..."(Mk. 4:38) His disciples awoke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?" O Yes He cares. I know He cares. When the storms of life are raging He will stand by us. "...He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still." And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."(Mk. 4:39)

He told us to pray without ceasing. He bid us ask it shall be given. He tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace. So we did. We prayed.

The realistic or pessimistic prognosticators had deemed it the storm of the century. It was bearing down on the children and the grandchildren. We were anxious for their lives and welfare. So we prayed. Lord do something to this storm. Dismantle it. Cause it to dissipate. And I am sure thousands of others were praying.

The next morning when we awoke the weather report indicated that the storm had decreased in wind velocity to 115 mph. It still had to cross the Gulf, but when it hit it was a mild category three storm.

Today I talked with my children. They and the grandchildren are unharmed. They are safe. God answers prayers. Thank you Lord....