Wednesday, July 29, 2009


On occasion I have heard some doubtful comments about the value of studying specific Koine Greek words. I am baffled and amazed at such thinking. This is especially true, I believe, when one realizes that any reliable translation of scripture is a product of the Koine Greek of the first century. And this language was utilized by the Holy Spirit to teach God's word hopefully to all men.

Studying Greek words gives us insight into the messages that God has sent us. So often we miss the particular messages because of comfort zones that have been developed over time to express some generalized religious philosophy with no distinct or particular direction for relationships among people. The scripture, if studied, will provide those directions...

It is God's will that agape be a characteristic of His people. And if one views Paul's description of agape in I Cor. 13, one must conclude that there are positives that accompany agape. And if there are positives produced by agape then there can be negatives produced by other principles in our lives. There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit identified those negatives by inspiring men to write them down in understood language.

It is truly my desire that this study of the possible negative ways I can treat others will help me to eliminate those things from my life. And it is my hope that it will help others to do the same.

I would like to remind you again that I am using Spiros Zodhiates' Greek word study for the definition of these words.

Alpha Words Continued:

aischros--"refers to inappropriate conduct of the elder of the local church that he be not given to improper gain for selfish purposes..." "...such leaders can so easily take advantage of people..."

"...the bishop as an overseer...must not be grasping and greedy(aischrokerde) for filthy lucre(financial gain);"(Titus 1:7)(Amplified)

authades--" who is pleased with himself and despises others..." "...a person who obstinately maintains his own opinion or asserts his own rights but is reckless of the rights, feelings, and interests of others. He regulates his life with no respect for others.."

" is necessary (for) the overseer to be...not arrogant..."(authade)(Titus 1:7)(Interlinear) "...(They are) daring, self-willed,(authadeis), glorious beings they do not tremble (at),..."(II Pet. 2:10)(Interlinear)

aspondos--"...the absolutely irreconcilable person who, being at war, refuses to lay aside his enmity or to listen to terms of reconciliation" "implacable"

" the last days..." "People will be..." "without love, unforgiving,(aspondoi) slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good,..."(II Tim. 3:1,2,3)(NIV)

adikeo--" act unjustly..." " hurt..." "...damage..." "...harm..."

"But you do wrong(adikeite) and cheat, and this to your brothers."(I Cor. 6:8)(Interlinear) "But (instead it is you) yourselves who wrong and defraud, and that even your own brethren(by so treating them)!"(Amplified)

aischrokerdes--"...a person who is eager to gain even if such gain degrades his moral character..."

"Deacons...(must be)...not fond of dishonest gain,..."(aischrokerdeis)(I Tim. 3:8)(Interlinear) "It is necessary (for) the be...not fond of dishonest gain,"(aischrokerde)(Titus 1:7)(Interlinear)

adikos--"...fraudulent..." "...false..." "...deceitful..."

"The judges shall investigate thoroughly and if the witness is a false(adikos) witness and he has accused his brother falsely," "then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother..."(Deut. 19:18-19)(NASB)

aneleemon--"...unmerciful..." "...not compassionate..."

" do the things not being proper..." "...senseless, faithless, unaffectionate, merciless,"(aneleemonas)(Rom. 1:28,31)(Interlinear)

adikia--"...injustice..." "..what is wrong with man's relationship to man is also wrong in man's relationship to God." "God cannot treat anyone unjustly."
"Neither present the members of you(as) tools to unrighteousness..."(adikias)(Ro. 6:13)(Interlinear) "Now hear this...heads of the house of Jacob ....rulers of the house of Israel...who abhor justice...who twist everything that is straight...who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with violent injustice."(adikiais)(Micah 3:9,10)(NASB)
"In I Cor 13:6(adikia) could be taken as those material things that could be acquired through the employment of falsehood in defrauding others instead of telling the truth."(Zodhiates)
"Love..." "...does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness(adikia) but rejoices when right and truth prevail."(I Cor. 13:4,6)(Amplified)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Transparency #6

Before I started writing about I Cor. 13 in February of this year, I was attempting to write some things on the subject of transparency. My interest on the subject had been aroused by some recent statements such as "Let's be transparent..." or "We want to be transparent..." I had earlier actually heard some church leaders make some of the same suggestions.

As far as God is concerned all things are transparent. The writer of Hebrews told us "There is nothing in creation that can hide from Him; everything lies naked and exposed to the eyes of the One with whom we have to reckon."(Heb. 4:13)(NEB) Even so, it is obvious that God wants His people to be transparent with Him. So He said through John "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."(I Jn. 1:9)(NIV) True transparency before God begins on our knees, and maybe even our faces, as we acknowledge our sinfulness and plead for His forgiveness. He is true to His word. He forgives.

There is another way of transparency taught us in scripture that is not so often readily accepted so graciously. James tells Christians "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another..."(Ja. 5:16)(KJV) So often when this is done some kind of spiritual Hammer is brought heavily down on the transparent and Mt. 18:15-19; I Cor. 13; Mt. 7; Mt. 5:7; etc.,etc.,etc...go unheeded. "Love your neighbor as yourself..."(Mt. 22:39)(NIV) and "In everything do to others what you would have them do to you..."(Mt. 7:12)(NIV) to some, by the way they treat others, might as well be Aesop's Fables. Therefore the transparent often becomes victim to all sorts of negative behaviors and attitudes.

The wisdom of the Holy Spirit is seen in the way He elucidates("throws light on") the various possibilities of such negative approaches to others.

In preparation for this study I have attempted to get just as close to the writing of the early inspired disciples as I could. I used Spiros Zodhiates' Greek word study for the selection of the words which have some negative connotations and express negativity toward others in some degree or another. I went from alpha to omega in an attempt to select these words. And with each word I have attached Zodhiates definition and a passage that exemplifies its usage. Some of the words express attitudes that lead to negative behavior. Others are specifically a negative behavior that affects others.

If my brother comes to me with a problem, a sin, a confession , will I treat him in some of the negative ways described by the Holy Spirit or will I treat him with love and forgiveness?


alazon--"a boaster"

"...people will be lovers of self and (utterly) self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate(greedy) desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters..."(alazones)(II Tim. 3:2)(Amplified)

analisko--"to take away" "destroy" "consume"

"But if you bite and devour one another(in partisan strife), be careful that you (and your whole fellowship) are not consumed(analothete) by one another."(Gal. 5:15)(Amplified)

anathematizo--"to curse"

"...more than forty of them are waiting in ambush for him. They have taken an oath(anethematisan) not to eat or drink until they have killed him..."(Acts 23:21)(NIV)

ara--"wish evil against a person"

"...their mouth is full of bitter curses."(aras)(Ro. 3:14)(NEB)

apatao--"being deceived by the vain empty, idle words of others"

"Let no one deceive(apatato) you with empty words..."(Eph. 5:6)(NIV)

apostereo--"to deprive" "wrong" "defraud one another of what belongs to him"

" not defraud..."(apostereses)(Mk. 10:19)(Amplified)

"Do not refuse and deprive and defraud(apostereite) each other (of your due marital rights)..."(I Cor. 7:5)(Amplified)

atopos--"hurtful" "evil"

"...pray that we may be delivered from wicked(atopon) and evil men, for not everyone has faith."(II Thess. 3:2)(NIV)

allotrioepiskopos--"one who busies himself with what does not concern him"

"...let none of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or any sort of criminal; or as a mischief maker(a meddler)(allotriepiskopos) in the affairs of others--infringing on their rights."(I Pet. 4:15)(Amplified)

alazoneia--"an ostentacious quack" "showing off to fellow mortals" "vainglorious pursuit of honors"

"But as it is, you boast(falsely) in your presumption and your self-conceit.(alazoneiais) All such boasting is wrong."(Ja. 4:16)(Amplified)

aphilagathos--"a person who may have pity but does not necessarily do anything to relieve the suffering of another through self-denial"

"...without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,..."(aphilagathoi)(II Tim. 3:3)(NIV)

atimazo--"to dishonor" "treat with indignity"

" contrast) have insulted-humiliated, dishonored and shown contempt for(etimasate)-the poor. Is it not the rich who domineer over you? Is it not they who drag you into the law courts?"(Ja. 2:6)(Amplified)

anupokritos--"to pretend"

"Let love be unhypocritical(anupokritos) abhorring the evil, clinging to the good."(Ro. 12:9)(Interlinear)

harpax--"given to rapacity or extortion"

"...I wrote to you not to mix with if any brother he is being called a fornicator or a greedy man or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or a swindler(harpax) with such a man not to eat."(I Cor. 5:11)(Interlinear)

anemeros--"ungentle" "fierce"

"...unloving, irreconcilable, slanderous, without self-control, savage(anemeroi), not lovers of good."(II Tim. 3:3)(Interlinear)

aischrokerdos--"eager of sordid gain" "dishonorable gain" "gaining popularity...showing special favors" "to the influential in order to gain personal advantage and profit"

"I warn and counsel the elders among you--the pastors and spiritual guides of the church--as a fellow elder and as an eyewitness(called to testify) of the sufferings of Christ..." "Tend the flock...not dishonorably motivated(aischrokerdos) by the advantages and profts(belonging to the office) but eagerly and cheerfully."(I Pet. 5:1-2)(Amplified)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


"Love never fails..."(I Cor. 13:8)(NIV) This is an inspired fact. It is incontrovertible. "Love never fails..."
Humans relations will not falter under its influence. Church unity will not be disrupted under its influence. Dastardly deeds will disappear and cruel and judgmental actions will vanish. People will be more important than things. It "...never fails."
Its influence will be characterized by all that Paul said about it. It indeed is "...patient..." "...kind..." "...does not envy..." "...does not boast..." " not proud..." " not rude..." " not self-seeking..." " not easily angered..." "...keeps no records of wrongs..." "...does not delight in evil..." "...rejoices in the truth..." "...always protects..." "...always trusts..." "...always hopes..." "...always perseveres..."(NIV) When and if any of these principles are violated or ignored that is not love's fault for it "...never fails..."
Adam Clarke wrote of love: " is the means of preserving all other graces..." "...indeed, properly speaking it includes them all..." "...and all receive their perfection from it..." "Without it there never was true religion..." "...nor ever can be..."
So I end this study about agape as given to us by the Apostle Paul. I did not feel worthy to do it in the beginning and feel the same today. However, I will miss the study. It is almost as if I am saying good-bye to a true friend. But of course, I can't, for ultimately it will be the only thing remaining for us all. For "...the greatest of these is love..."(I Cor. 13:13)
To my friend who prompted this study I say, thanks Brother. I love you and I wish you the best in your service for the Master...

The Most Excellent Way #18

"Carrying His own cross, He went to The Place of the Skull..."
John 19:17
"...Love..." "...always perseveres..."(I Cor. 13:4,7)(NIV) "...all things endures..."(Interlinear) " endures everything (without weakening)."(Amplified) "...endureth all things..."(KJV) "...there is no limit to its...endurance..."(N.E.B.)
In Paul's descriptions of love in I Cor. 13 he records two words that can be translated endure. In verse four he uses the word makrothumei. This word refers to patience or endurance with respect to other people. The word he uses in verse 7 is hupomonei. It is a word, according to Zodhiates, that refers to various things, not people. Therefore sufferings and hardships, due to things will not quell love. Nothing can do that for agape, according to Paul, in "...all things endures..."(Interlinear) This word is used by John in Jesus' statement to the church at Ephesus in Rev. 2:3: "You have persevered and have endured(hupomonen) hardships for my name, and have not grown weary."(NIV)(Interlinear)
Matthew Henry described this attribute of love when he wrote: "...holds firm, though it may be shocked, or borne hard upon; sustains all manner of injury and ill usage, and bears up under it, such as curses, contumacies, slander, prison, exile, bonds, torments, and death itself for the sake of the injurious, and of others; and perseveres in this firmness." Adam Clarke said it "Bears up under all persecutions and maltreatment..."
Isaiah prophesied of Jesus that He would be "...oppressed..." "...afflicted..." "...led to slaughter..." "...cut off out of the land of the living..." "...despised..." "...forsaken..." "A man of sorrows..." "...acquainted with grief..." "...pierced through for our transgressions..." Isaiah added of Him: " His scourging we are healed..." "...the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him..."(Isa. 53:3-9)(NASB)
Scripture says of Him: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured(hupemeinen) the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."(Heb. 12:2)(NIV)(Interlinear)
And since we are no greater than the Master it says to us: "...let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance-unnecessary weight-and that sin which so readily(deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance(hupomones) and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,"(Heb. 12:1)(Amplified)(Interlinear)
After all the things Jesus endured on that lonely hill, He simply looked at them and said "Father forgive them..."(Lk. 23:34)(KJV) How can love best be described? And He tells us "...Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."(Jn. 13:34)(NIV) No wonder that His apostle would exhort the Corinthians: "...Love..."(I Cor. 13:4) is that which in "...all things endures..."(I Cor. 13:7)(Interlinear)

Friday, July 17, 2009


Temple Grounds
"...let him begin stoning her."
John 8:7
"...Love..." "...always hopes..."(I Cor. 13:6-7)(NIV) "...all things hopes..."(Interlinear)

Matthew Henry says of this description of love: "It will not presently conclude a case desperate, but wishes the amendment of the worst of men, and is very apt to hope for what it wishes."

So sad that some exclusive fellowships do not completely apply this principle of truth to its fellows. For that reason unity is not possible in some "bodies of Christ." For hope is not held out for all the saints of God.

Admittedly, there are some "mature" folk in the church who by reason of age and some spiritual attainments have perhaps reached higher levels of growth. If so though where is the hope held out for others described by Paul. Some of the more "complete" have somehow failed to even conceive of the purpose of their own conversion. Peter describes it in I Pet. 1:22..."Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, with all your hearts."(NIV)

And have such ones of high degree forgotten the mistakes they made through out their development into "exemplary" Christians. And is it even possible that they continue to make a few?(Ro. 3:23)(I Jn. 1:8-9)

Jesus scolded such folks during His ministry. What of a church that stands around the fallen with rocks or computers or telephones or stationary? The teaching of Jesus is still as applicable today as it was 2000 years ago to the upper crust of faith. And it goes something like this: If any of you is without sin then let him begin stoning, text messaging, e-mailing and writing about her.

How much more noble it would have been if those "...teachers..." and "...Pharisees..."(Jn. 8) had brought her to the "...Teacher..." and asked if there was still hope for her. Is there any way we can help her? And why they did not do that is so revealing of them.

The hope of agape love does not act like those elite of Jesus day. Certainly Jesus views the hearts of the penitent. His viewpoint of such folks is not so hopeless and calloused. The story of those who will not hold out the hope of love to their fellows is capsulized in Mt. 7:1-2.

Adam Clarke expressed it this way: "When there is no place left for believing good of a person, then love comes with its hope when it could not work by its faith, and begins immediately to make allowances and excuses, as far as a good conscience can permit; and further, anticipates the repentance of the transgressor, and his restoration to the good opinion of society and his place in the Church of God, from which he had fallen."

The problem with some fellowships is that their consciences are uneducated about The Most Excellent Way. For that Way would not make it more difficult for a "fallen" brother to find his way back to the church than it was when he was "...called a Christian first..."(Acts 11:26) What rejoicing occurred then. But now that he has fallen where is the love that "...always hopes..."? Sad note that when the repentance of a sinful brother has occurred great hesitancy occurs when the scripture says simply "...reaffirm your love for him..."(II Cor. 2:8)

The definition of hope is "desire plus expectation." Do we desire and expect the best for our brothers? If so love exists. If not love is absent.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:23

I Cor. 13:7 tells us that love "...always trusts..."(NIV) "...believeth all things..."(KJV). Matthew Henry says of this characteristic of love given by Paul that " is apt to believe well of all..." " believe well when there may be some dark appearances..." " will...believe far as it can with any reason..." " stretch its faith beyond appearances for the support of a kind opinion...".

It is obvious that love is not blind to evil and there are those who are blatantly uncaring and practice evil continually and persistently. But there are wrongs which are repented of daily and care and concern about them is continual.

If I Cor. 13 is taken in context I believe this is what Paul was speaking of. Paul was speaking to the church of Christ at Corinth and he was saying that brothers should love one another enough to believe well of one another despite their obvious faults. Unity can thrive in such an atmosphere. When the various parts of the church body look upon one another that way then there will be peace and real fellowship. A church where faults are emphasized and the worst is thought of others will not have unity and further will not thrive and will be nothing more than a mere social club and not the true body of Christ.

The Greek word for believe here is pisteuei. Antonyms mean "to doubt" "disbelieve".(Zodhiates) Diakrinomai is listed as an antonym of pisteuei. It means: "to make a distinction," "doubt." James, the brother of Christ, uses this word in James 2 in the context of showing favoritism. He shamed his readers, telling them: "...have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts..."(Ja. 2:4)(NIV) So often, in some circles, the latter part of James 2 is quoted. James 2:26 says " without works is dead."(NIV) Sadly it is so true that there are those who never conceive of the fact that being free from discrimanation, favoritism, partiality, judging, blaspheming might possibly be a Christian work of love or a "...labor prompted by love..."(I Thess. 1:3)(NIV)

The church was begun out of a heart of love for all men.(Jn. 3:16) It is distinguished by its love.(Col. 1:4,5) The concept of brotherhood cannot be possible without love.(I Jn. 4:14-16)(I Jn. 4:7-8)(I Jn. 4:20)(I Jn. 4:21)(I Jn. 4:11-12)

Paul informs us that the church of God treats brethren with great respect by believing good about them.

How then do I treat my brethren. More importantly to me should be how does Christ treat them and me. When there just seems nothing more about my brother to believe in; when he has just about done it all; when his life seems to be an utter failure, when he is spiritually broken; when he has violated me and others so hastily, so uncaringly, so obviously selfishly how will I treat him. When it seems that there is nothing he can "do" to gain my favor what will I think of him? Will he have any worth, any value? When he is in the miry clay, the valley of the shadow what will I believe about him? Love teaches me a lovely lesson about a broken man. It "...believeth all things..."

Thank you Lord for not giving up on me. Thank you Lord for your grace, your mercy, your love. When I was unlovable you loved me. You gave me a second chance. Indeed you are a God of second chances. How wonderful you are and worthy to be praised. You had the right to destroy me. You didn't. You came down to me. You cared about me. You somehow saw some value in me even though I failed you in so many ways.

Now how will I treat my brother?