Wednesday, July 29, 2009


On occasion I have heard some doubtful comments about the value of studying specific Koine Greek words. I am baffled and amazed at such thinking. This is especially true, I believe, when one realizes that any reliable translation of scripture is a product of the Koine Greek of the first century. And this language was utilized by the Holy Spirit to teach God's word hopefully to all men.

Studying Greek words gives us insight into the messages that God has sent us. So often we miss the particular messages because of comfort zones that have been developed over time to express some generalized religious philosophy with no distinct or particular direction for relationships among people. The scripture, if studied, will provide those directions...

It is God's will that agape be a characteristic of His people. And if one views Paul's description of agape in I Cor. 13, one must conclude that there are positives that accompany agape. And if there are positives produced by agape then there can be negatives produced by other principles in our lives. There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit identified those negatives by inspiring men to write them down in understood language.

It is truly my desire that this study of the possible negative ways I can treat others will help me to eliminate those things from my life. And it is my hope that it will help others to do the same.

I would like to remind you again that I am using Spiros Zodhiates' Greek word study for the definition of these words.

Alpha Words Continued:

aischros--"refers to inappropriate conduct of the elder of the local church that he be not given to improper gain for selfish purposes..." "...such leaders can so easily take advantage of people..."

"...the bishop as an overseer...must not be grasping and greedy(aischrokerde) for filthy lucre(financial gain);"(Titus 1:7)(Amplified)

authades--" who is pleased with himself and despises others..." "...a person who obstinately maintains his own opinion or asserts his own rights but is reckless of the rights, feelings, and interests of others. He regulates his life with no respect for others.."

" is necessary (for) the overseer to be...not arrogant..."(authade)(Titus 1:7)(Interlinear) "...(They are) daring, self-willed,(authadeis), glorious beings they do not tremble (at),..."(II Pet. 2:10)(Interlinear)

aspondos--"...the absolutely irreconcilable person who, being at war, refuses to lay aside his enmity or to listen to terms of reconciliation" "implacable"

" the last days..." "People will be..." "without love, unforgiving,(aspondoi) slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good,..."(II Tim. 3:1,2,3)(NIV)

adikeo--" act unjustly..." " hurt..." "...damage..." "...harm..."

"But you do wrong(adikeite) and cheat, and this to your brothers."(I Cor. 6:8)(Interlinear) "But (instead it is you) yourselves who wrong and defraud, and that even your own brethren(by so treating them)!"(Amplified)

aischrokerdes--"...a person who is eager to gain even if such gain degrades his moral character..."

"Deacons...(must be)...not fond of dishonest gain,..."(aischrokerdeis)(I Tim. 3:8)(Interlinear) "It is necessary (for) the be...not fond of dishonest gain,"(aischrokerde)(Titus 1:7)(Interlinear)

adikos--"...fraudulent..." "...false..." "...deceitful..."

"The judges shall investigate thoroughly and if the witness is a false(adikos) witness and he has accused his brother falsely," "then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother..."(Deut. 19:18-19)(NASB)

aneleemon--"...unmerciful..." "...not compassionate..."

" do the things not being proper..." "...senseless, faithless, unaffectionate, merciless,"(aneleemonas)(Rom. 1:28,31)(Interlinear)

adikia--"...injustice..." "..what is wrong with man's relationship to man is also wrong in man's relationship to God." "God cannot treat anyone unjustly."
"Neither present the members of you(as) tools to unrighteousness..."(adikias)(Ro. 6:13)(Interlinear) "Now hear this...heads of the house of Jacob ....rulers of the house of Israel...who abhor justice...who twist everything that is straight...who build Zion with bloodshed and Jerusalem with violent injustice."(adikiais)(Micah 3:9,10)(NASB)
"In I Cor 13:6(adikia) could be taken as those material things that could be acquired through the employment of falsehood in defrauding others instead of telling the truth."(Zodhiates)
"Love..." "...does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness(adikia) but rejoices when right and truth prevail."(I Cor. 13:4,6)(Amplified)

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