Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Walk With Wayne

This is my second attempt to start blogging. For some reason I had a problem because it appeared I may be Spam. After thinking about it I surely hope this accomplishes more than spam. My attempt here is to write some thoughts and ideas, looking back and forward in an attempt to help myself as well as others. I am 65 years old and God and I have walked together for a very long time. It is not easy clinging to a relationship with our Lord but it surely is rewarding. He will stretch you further than you want to be stretched, He will lead you through the valley and walk right along side of you, and He will bless you more than your cup will hold. God is not going to turn us loose, He tells us He has us in His right hand and no one will snatch us from Him. My faith has grown in ways these past months that amaze me. When you think you know almost all there is to know, you better sit down because God is going to show you things you never knew. So I hope that those of you that know me will help me through this new thing called blogging. Please feel free to write to me and give your input and ask questions. Dialogeisw a wonderful thing if used in the correct way. I pray God will bless everyone that reads this and that we will all walk closer with our Lord Jesus each day.

1 comment:

jparker said...

Looking forward to keeping up with you.....