Friday, April 11, 2008

30minutes every morning

We start just about every day off with a 30 minute walk. After we have a cup of coffee of course. Some times we just talk about "things", family, children, grandchildren, schedules for the day, etc. But many times as we are walking around the church parking lot we pray for our church, pastors, members ,the sick and other needs. Then there are other times we just start quoting scriptures, I will say one then LaJuanah will say one. It is amazing how the Lord will bring to your remembrance the scriptures He would have you remember. Sometimes we will separate and go at our own speed. Most of the time praying. Although the other afternoon we went to walk and a little black bulldog came charging up behind us. Scared us both half to death.
I am not sure why that happened but Lajuanah was ready to go home. So we look forward to our walks. It is a way for us to share part of our day and just enjoy the day. After all, each day is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. God Bless all who may chance upon this little tale. I hope one day soon to be able to share some of the things God is laying on my heart. Until then, God Bless

1 comment:

alma said...

I admired my brother as we were growing up as children, that hasn't changed as we've become adults. Walking with the Lord AND his wife, actually walking at all, is admirable. This man is not just walking, he is blazing new trails. Continue your walk with The Lord and we will continue to "Walk With Wayne". I look forward to ths journey.