Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Matthew 5
"Don't hit back at all." (The Message)
Thanks for bearing with me for so long as I have tried to get to the description of love as portrayed by Paul in I Cor. 13. I have been dwelling on the words Paul used. He is so specific in his definition and language and the words are so revealing of what love is, that those who are truly interested in knowing about the subject cannot miss the point of true Christian love. The way is clear. To doubt it is to doubt the Apostle and to doubt the meanings of specific words.

Many are not interested in "...the excellent way..." because the price is too much for them to pay. For some the Bible is nothing more than a textbook of proof texts. And if the pieces of the puzzle are not put together as they place them, then there is no chance for unity. The true nature of love as described by Paul will not allow that tact.

I Cor. 12 is a treatise on the unity of the body of Christ in activity and I Cor. 13 is the discussion of how the various parts of the body are to treat one another. And it gives the driving force of the unity of the Church. Christian love will dispel disunity and division. Men might have their individuality and not be perfect clones of one another and still practice unity. Men might be mentally and philosophically different and still be unified. And the key is given in I Cor. 13.

So how does Paul describe love? Not as an excellent way or somebody's idea of an excellent way but as "...the excellent way..."

In verse 4 of I Cor. 13 Paul begins his description and definition by writing " is patient..."(NIV) The KJV has it " suffereth long..." And the Amplified has it " endures long and is patient..."

The Greek text uses the word "...makrothumeo..." when it says " suffers long..." Zodhiates defines the word as just that: " suffer long..." " opposed to hasty anger or punishment..." Barclay calls it "...the divine patience.." and that stands to reason because that is how God deals with us. Barclay says that the Greek mind would not accept this as a virtue at all. Sadly some today fall in step with the first century Greeks rather than falling in step with the first century Apostle Paul. The Church was instructed to be "...patient..."

Other forms of this word mean basically the same thing, long-suffering, patience and they refer to patience with people. Another word, hupomone, refers primarily to patience toward things and circumstances according to lexicons.

I Cor. 13 is not the only N.T. reference to patience toward people. " patient with everyone..."(I Thess. 5:14) " patient, bearing with one another in love..."(Eph. 4:2) "...clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."(Col. 3:12)

Patience is listed as one of the fruits of the Spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."(Gal. 5:22-24) And Paul's teaching here concurs with his teaching in I Cor. 13. Those who have the Spirit will practice unity. "...keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace..."(Eph. 4:2)

God is a patient God. No wonder. "...God is love..." John wrote: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."(I Jn. 4:8) It does not surprise us at all then that when Paul describes love he says " is patient..." because God is patient. Paul wrote to the Romans: " you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience..."(Ro. 2:4) Peter wrote: "...He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."(II Pet. 3:9) Why is He patient with us? He loves us! Why should we be patient with one another?

I have enjoyed for a number of years the study of synonyms and antonyms of N.T. words. That has proven to be beneficial to me and to an understanding of the meanings of Greek words.

Anoche is listed as a synonym of the derivatives of makrothumeo. It is defined as "tolerance" according to Zodhiates. It is also defined as "to bear with" and "forbearance." Anecho, another synonym, is found in Eph. 4:2 where Paul encourages " bear with one another in love." He told the Colossians "...bear with each other..."(Col. 3:13).

Another synonym is epieikeia. It is defined as "clemency" or "gentleness." Zodhiates gives the flavor of its meaning with these words: "Consideration springing from a recognition of the danger that ever lurks upon the assertion of legal rights lest they be pushed to immoral limits." And he further explains it as "The virtue that rectifies and redresses the severity of the sentence." Our vernacular might be "cut me some slack." If there is no tolerance, gentleness, easiness where is love?

We are told that all debts are not called in where patience and forbearance are. Exactness to my personal viewpoints might also have to be forfeited even though I might be right. People are more important than viewpoints. Could that be possible?

Recently my wife made a visit to the doctor for some tests. After the visit I was surprised to look down at the billing and see a big N/C written on the front. No Charge. What an example of anoche. It is possible that there are circumstances when all debts are not called in. Isn't that what God did? "God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in His blood. He did this to demonstrate His justice because in His forbearance He had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished."(NIV)(Ro. 3:25) Jesus paid it all. And by His grace (unmerited favor) He saved us. All debts were cancelled. We are forgiven through His blood. He continues to do that each day for His repentant children. Why don't we?

For sometime I have blogged on the subject of transparency. The theme of the blog has been the negative way we treat our penitent and repentant brothers and sisters who are transparent enough to confess their sins. Soon I hope to continue that blog for I literally have gone from alpha to omega in my pursuit of how we negatively treat one another and inspiration has given me a virtual cornucopia of words that illustrate our negative reactions.

It is almost as if we are keeping score on one another and we have a tally sheet of sins that we record each day on one another. And it is no wonder that the doorways of counselors are clogged with brothers and sisters. We have put some of them there. They are so guilt ridden and we have put barriers up between some of them and the Great Counselor who has the solution to their problems.

Recently I heard a preacher say that there are numbers of fallen pastors who are working in factories instead of preaching because God has taken away their anointing and their calling due to their falleness. I immediately thought of Paul, Peter, David and a number of others heroes of faith. At the same time I thought that to be working in a factory is not so bad. Paul was a tent maker.

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves because the Church does not have programs to recoup, reconcile, and regenerate the fallen. Elitism has no place in the Church of Christ. Where is the love of
Christ in all this.

The antonyms of patience are interesting and in closing I would like to mention a few. Aganaktesis is an antonym of these words we have been looking at that have to do with patience. It means to be "indignant." It has to do with wrath, anger and resentfulness. Orge is another antonym. According to Zodhiates it reflects "outbursts of vengeful mind." Paul encourages us "Love must be sincere..."(Rom. 12:9) And in the same paragraph he says "Do not take revenge, my friends..."(Rom. 12:19) And in Eph. 4:31 he says "Get rid....of wrath." In I Tim. 2:8 he wrote "I want all men everywhere to lift up holy hands without anger and disputing." Thumos has to do with impetuousness, fierceness and anger. Quite the opposite of patience. All of them, wouldn't you say. Thumos is a work of the flesh.
(Gal. 5:20)
Isn't it interesting that we can choose by our own volition and will to express love through patience, longsuffering, tolerance and gentleness or we can by the same expression of will be indignant, fierce, full of wrath, hard, violent, and impetuously angry?

Paul has instructed us all that love is patience and this will bring unity. The others will only divide and separate.

1 comment:

alma said...

Thanks for another thoughtful post. I appreciate all the research and work that goes into your blog. (we benifit from your passion). God has blessed us greatly by working His love in you. Getting to be a part of your transformation over the last two years has made my heart glad.