Sunday, December 14, 2008

Talk About "The Shack"

The picture above is one taken during our visit to Israel. I think it is probably one of the most important to me. The raised building serves two purposes: It is built over the Apostle Peter's house in the old city of Galilee, Capernaum, and it is used to look down into the various rooms of Peter's house.
I often think of this house. So many things went on within it's walls. The scriptures tell us Jesus had no house, not even a shack. But scripture tells us that He used Peter's house in the city of Capernaum. (Matthew 8:14) Our guide informed us that there is evidence that one of the rooms in Peter's house was Jesus' room. That may be the case. One thing we do know is that Capernaum became Jesus' headquarters in that area for His ministry. And we do know that He was in Peter's house on more than one occasion. Just think about all the conversations that must have gone on in that house. If only those walls could speak.
Even though He had no permanent dwelling place and had to share someone else's house, He loves us so much that He offers us mansions. "In my Father's house are many mansions..." And He has gone to "...prepare a place..." for us His people.(John 14:2) And in doing so He leaves us the message "...Let not your heart be troubled..."(John 14:1) What is the point? To me that is the point of The Shack. It could not have been written had Jesus not come and lived a a borrowed house in a little out of the way place in Israel. It could not have happened had He not been born in a stable. It could not have happened had he not been raised in a small town in the hills of Israel of not more than perhaps 150 people. But The Shack was written I believe from a heart that was touched by the love and concern of a loving God and Saviour who were revealed to us by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Millions of people have lived and died since the Saviour was on this earth to give Himself for their sins. (John 3:16) For sure, we cannot all agree on every specific detail of religions and churches. But one thing we can agree on and during this season it becomes so vividly clear. And that one thing is that God cares about us. God dwells in us through His Holy Spirit. God loves us. God comforts us in our sorrows. God holds us up when we would quake and tremble and fall under the pressures of life. When it seems we cannot go another step because our sorrow weignts us down to the point that we would give up, God is there with outstretched hand and even there with us in that horrible pit ,that miry clay
lifting us up.
The Shack does leave a lot to the imagination. But the message is a great one. The God-head is involved with the people of God. And no matter the consternation we may feel about the trials and problems of life ,God is with His people whoever they are and wherever they are. He is not limited by our thought processes. He is not bogged down in our prejudices and beliefs. He does not have his favorites as we do. He does not have an agenda that prohibits Him from seeing the needs of people. He cares about us. He cares about our daily problems. He cares about our welfare. He has been there has He not. He is the Incarnate Saviour who came here to experience first hand all of that and He is qualified for the task. My advice to me and I think the advice of The Shack is to let him do it. Depend on Him. Trust Him. That is what He wants.
And no matter how dark and dismal things may seem to be here ultimately everything is going to be okay because He does care for us.

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