Monday, June 2, 2008

Count Your Blessings

The older I get the more I appreciate ALL the blessings God has given to me. I have been so abundantly blessed in my life time but never more than this last year. God is such a loving God but also a very just God. I know that He will allow us to run full force arranging, organizing, planning, preaching and staying so busy with everyday life. He also is aware of how much we call upon Him seeking His advice and guidance, even in the very small things of life. Many times we call upon Him only when we are in trouble or when we cannot under any circumstances remedy life's problems so then we give it to Him, only to take it back a day later. I can assure all of you, God is in control. He does not need us to accomplish any of His plans for us or the world. He is big enough to handle any problem or situation, He just wants us to trust Him and believe in Him and to love Him. I know that many of you are going through some hard times and you cannot see your way through some things. Let me assure you God knows exactly where you are, He knows every hurt you are experiencing, He knows your heart. God is a heart doctor. He can give you a transfusion every day to build you up with a dose of faith. Most of the time we are not required to do anything except trust in Him. We cannot work our way into God's blessings, we cannot earn His Grace and mercies. God is a giving God and He loves you so much. If you will release Him and give Him permission to work in you life I promise He will show you great and mighty things that you have never seen before. Won't you trust Him?

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