Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Moneychangers #3

(2) The Pharisees of Jesus' day give us another depiction of possible present day moneychangers. Jesus said of them "...all their works they do to be seen of men."(Matt 23:5) He described them in rather graphic terms because He knew them as they truly were. He could look beyond the facade of all their outward show. So he termed them "...hypocrites..." "...false..." "...blind guides..." "...serpents..." "...brood vipers..." (Matt. 23) WOW! The outside of the cup looked great to men but Oh! the inside as Jesus saw it.

Jesus was completely honest about them and revealed their hypocrisy and suffered retaliation for that. Are we willing to challenge such moneychangers and be in danger of such reprisal. Much of the time we are not so the powerful and the influential have their way and the brood of vipers of old still have their brothers in our lives.

Jesus describes the devious controlling results of their efforts. He said to them that they were willing to go to any limit to control their hearers and to "...make one proselyte ..." to their cause. And He told them in doing so "...ye make twofold more the child of hell than yourselves". (Matt. 23:15) Jesus said it. I did not. And probably would not and perhaps will not. I just duck my head, stick my head in the sand and let them work their evil ways. Chicken me. Do I not see the importance of saving people from such controllers. Often times even our families suffer at the hands of these selfish manipulators and we just let them have their way. Jesus tells us that their ultimate work in the lives of men is that they "... shut off the kingdom of heaven from people ..." (Matt. 23:13)

Isn't it something that those that look so good, dress just right in their expensive suits, have just the right composure, even appear spiritually beautiful and righteous, pray just the right prayers, can work such evil in men's lives. How could that be, ME THINKS ME KNOWS.

Jesus tells us about these Pharisees in Luke 18. It all amounts to the fact that in all their dealings with men their god is themselves.

This Pharisee of Luke 18 had a very high opinion of himself. A big-headed individual indeed. We all have known watermelon headed people like that have we not? And it is so easy for them to judge others because of their own goodness!

This Pharisee determined that he was so good that he was not like other men. So he concluded that because of this he was not "... an extortioner..." "...unjust..." "...an adulterer...". And he looked over at his neighbor and concluded "...or even as this tax collector..." (Luke 18:11). So he bragged about his religious perfection. Quite a person! One of the good ones!

But who was Jesus' man? Not this deluded moneychanger! For Jesus said "And the tax collector, standing far off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast saying, "God be merciful to me a sinner!" "I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 18:13-14)

There may come into our lives those that deem themselves perfect. They are moneychangers who would exploit the people of God. We must reject the idea that perfection is in any person and look to the source of our salvation and justification, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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